Archives (*)
Articles published at Backpacking Light prior to November 26, 2015.
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- ARCHIVES (Before 30.Nov.2015)
Faces No. 4: Heather “Anish” Anderson
Anish set the self-supported record for the Appalachian Trail at the end of September, and is the first person to hold simultaneous records on the AT and the PCT.
Notes from the Field: Hidden Lakes, Montana
A quick overnight trip to a nearby lake chain offered opportunities for camaraderie with a friend and communion with nature.
Ruta Locura Lone Peak Tent & WiFi Stove Review
The Ruta Locura Lone Peak Tent with the wood-burning WiFi stove offers luxury winter camping accommodations at a relatively paltry weight.
Bear Attack in the Rockies
Bear attacks are frightening and unexpected. This author shares her bear encounter with the hiking community.
PackLite Kayak Review
Designed for remote lakes and streams, the PackLite Kayak is well-suited for those environments and is a lightweight complement to your backpacking adventures.
Notes from the Field: Rambling the High Sierra (Revisited)
An alpine ramble along part of the Roper High route of the High Sierras, leaves plenty of time for fishing and relaxation.
Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 25
FBI Fugitive Found on Appalachian Trail, A Survival Video Game, The Zion Flash Flood, A "Walk In the Woods" Inspires People to Get Out, MSR FlyLite Tent, and much more!
Faces No. 3: Douglas Malott
An interview with backpacker Douglas Malott who is passionate about the outdoors, and ensuring we are out there for the right reasons.
Paramo Cambia T-Shirts
These t-shirts are made from 'directional fabric' that allows you to heat up or cool down to meet the weather conditions.
Spotlight: ALOCS Kettle
A lightweight kettle with a wide base.
Wind River Backpacking: Talus, Tundra, and Ice on a Wyoming High Route
Notes from an eleven-day Wind River backpacking trip via a high route adjacent to the crest of between Spider Lake and Flagstone Lake.
Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 23
Top stories, hiking, backpacking, people, and all things outdoors.
Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2015 Wrap-Up
A summary review of new gear, trends, and news from Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2015.
Faces No. 1: Dan Durston
An Interview with Dan Durston from
Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 22
In this week's news: Crew One completes #windrivers 2015, bear advice from a controversial figure, compare tent options, and more.
Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 21
Teenaged expeditioners + news, gear, and stories.
Little Red Wagon GEO Review: Craft Coffee for Backpackers
GEO is a single-serve, disposable pourover filter containing freshly roasted artisan coffee.
Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 20
In this Week's News: It's time for the 2015 Packraft Roundup, a father scares a bear away to save his son, five trails to know in the Colorado area, get to know Leslie Hittmeier, and much more!
Flash Reviews No. 10
Introductory Reviews for La Sportiva Helios SR, Sawyer Mini Water Filtration System, and the Nalgene Flask.
Planning Your First Backpacking Trip Out West
Backpacking in the west can be physically challenging and logistically belittling to the uninitiated however don't let that stop you! The rewards of this exploration are worth the hardship.