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Grizzly that Killed Yellowstone Hiker Euthanized

Authorities have found the Grizzly bear that attacked and killed 63-year-old Billings Montana resident Lance Crosby. The bear was matched by its hair. The Grizzly sow has been Euthanized. Two cubs were captured with her, and authorities are working on relocating them to a facility accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The attack took place near the Elephant Back Loop Trail. The park officials stated that an important reason for the decision to euthanize the bear was that Crosby had been partially eaten and cached so that the bear could come back to eat later. They also stated that attacks like this are not the kind that mean a sow is simply protecting her cubs.

AT Northern Terminus Relocation Being Proposed.

Katahdin lay in the midst of Baxter State Park where issues with thru-hikers not keeping with park rules has caused park officials to talk of moving the end of the AT to another location. Citing use of alcohol, group size, camping, and other restrictions as factors. When Scott Jurek completed the AT in record time last month, he was photographed celebrating by spraying chapagne. This was apparently one of the rules that was broken by Jurek that day. He was fined for littering (spilling alcohol), traveling in a group larger than twelve, and public drinking.

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