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I grew up in Spokane, Washington but I am currently living in Kent Washington. I started exploring the outdoors when I was old enough to go out into the backyard alone, with my parents, my siblings, or friends. I grew up without T.V. at home, and as a result I was outside all the time. Riverside State Park which has the Spokane River running through it was my exploration grounds in before and during high school.


  • Where are you from and at what age did you start to take an interest in the outdoors?
  • How long have you been into backpacking?
  • What are your favorite aspects about backpacking?
  • What is your most essential piece of gear that you are using?
  • Tell us about your most memorable trip.
  • What social media platforms are you using to share your trips?
  • Do you have a trail name? Why is it said trail name?
  • What do you think the challenges of the next generation of backpackers will be?
  • If you were to think about your life in twenty years from now, what do you think you will be doing?
  • Do you have anything to tell the BPL community?

# WORDS: 1070
# PHOTOS: 10

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