Backpacking Light
Episode 23 | Henry Shires of Tarptent
Andrew chats with Henry Shires of Tarptent about his design philosophy and process, fabrics, business journey, the importance of taking time away from your company to recharge, and much more.
Episode 22 | Hypothermia and Frostbite Treatment and Prevention
To help you stay safe this season, this Backpacking Light SKILLS SHORT centers on frostbite and hypothermia.
Episode 21 | Backcountry Coffee
Coffee. What makes a good cup, what makes a bad cup, and what are the best ways to java yourself in the backcountry? All these questions and more are the subject of this episode of the Backpacking Light Podcast.
Podcast 020 | Backpacking with Children
In this SKILLS SHORT Ryan and Andrew talk about best practices for backpacking with kids: route planning, trip types, gear, safety, and more.
Episode 19 | Jeff Garmire on the Long Trail FKT
In the summer of 2019, Jeff Garmire achieved the fastest known time on Vermont’s iconic Long Trail, clocking all 272 miles in five days, twenty- three hours, and forty-eight minutes. Here's the interview.
Episode 18 | Clothing Systems for Inclement Weather
In this podcast, we discuss this: how does clothing system for 3/4 season, inclement conditions, differ from my summer backpacking clothing?
Episode 17 | Journalist Adam Federman on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Part I
Jimmy Carter created the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in 1980, and it’s been a contentious subject ever since. A bonanza of biodiversity, the ANWR also potentially sits atop one of America’s last untapped oil reserves. In this episode, Andrew talks to Adam Federman, a journalist covering the recent push by the Trump administration to lease oil and gas rights in the refuge. Adam is a reporting fellow with Type Investigations, where he’s spent the last few years covering energy, public land, and the Trump administration’s environmental policies.
Episode 16 | Maceration and Immersion Foot Diseases
In this SKILLS SHORT, Ryan and Andrew break down the causes, symptoms, and results of immersion foot diseases.
Episode 15 | Andrew Marshall on the Tahoe Rim Trail
Ryan interviews Andrew Marshall about his recent thru-hike of the Tahoe Rim Trail. They talk about snow, gear, training, and more.
Episode 14 | Training for Backpacking
It’s no secret: the more physically prepared you are for a backpacking trip, the more you are going to enjoy yourself. But what are the most effective ways to reach optimal backpacking condition? That’s the topic of today’s BPL SKILLS SHORT: training.
Episode 13 | Tent-bound in a Storm
In this episode, Ryan offers some practical guidelines for managing wet gear, condensation, and camp chores if you have to be holed up in a tent during a prolonged period of inclement weather.
Lightweight Chairs for Backpacking (Gear Guide & Reviews)
Reviews of lightweight chairs and other seating options for backcountry use, including backpacking - 18 chairs and seats less than 25 oz.
Episode 12 | Lightweight Chairs & Seats for Backpacking
In this episode longtime BPL author Doug Johnson gives us a run-down of his favorite ultralight backcountry seating options reviewed in our new gear guide.
Episode 10 | StoveBench: A Protocol for Comparing the Performance of Backpacking Stoves
In this episode, we talk about StoveBench: Backpacking Light’s new protocol for standardizing stove performance comparisons.
Upright Canister Stove Reviews, StoveBench Tests, and Gear Guide
This article features upright canister stove reviews that include extensive test data in inclement conditions and market analysis.
Episode 9 | Author Caroline Van Hemert on 4,000 Miles Across the Arctic
In this episode, we talk to Alaskan writer, biologist, and adventurer Caroline Van Hemert. Caroline is an ornithologist who, along with her husband Pat, undertook a 4,000-mile human-powered journey from Bellingham Washington to Kotzebue, a small town high above the arctic circle.
Episode 8 | Winter Backpacking Skills and Gear
Today’s episode is a SKILLS SHORT where we'll discuss the philosophy and skills of lightweight winter backpacking.
Staff Picks 2018: Our Favorite Backpacking Gear of the Year
Backpacking Light's editorial team, guides, contributors provide their favorite gear choices in BPL's Staff Picks gear guide for 2018.
Episode 7 | Trekking Poles
This podcast dives into the science to answer the question: are trekking poles worth the weight?
Lightweight Trekking Pole Reviews & Gear Guide
This lightweight trekking poles gear guide discusses the scientific justification for/against poles, and features reviews of 14 models.