Podcast Episode September 29, 2020

Episode 31 | 40 Days Unsupported in Russia

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Backpacking Light podcast: National Public Lands Day, transitioning from summer to fall gear, UV light as a water treatment technology, an interview with adventurer Tully Henke about his epic trek through the wilderness of eastern Russia, and attempting to answer the question: "why do I walk?"



In this episode of the Backpacking Light podcast: National Public Lands Day, transitioning from summer to fall gear, UV light as a water treatment technology, an interview with adventurer Tully Henke about his epic trek through the wilderness of eastern Russia, and attempting to answer the question: “why do I walk?”



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  • Executive Producer - Backpacking Light; Show Director and Host - Ryan Jordan; Producer - Chase Jordan; Theme music: Look for Me in the Mountains written by Chris Cunningham and Ryan Jordan, performed by Chris Cunningham (acoustic guitar, lead and harmony vocals, harmonica), Chad Langford (upright bass), and Tom Murphy (mandolin), produced by Basecamp Studios in Bozeman, Montana.

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Home Forums Episode 31 | 40 Days Unsupported in Russia

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  • #3677869
    Backpacking Light


    Locale: Rocky Mountains

    Companion forum thread to: Episode 31 | 40 Days Unsupported in Russia

    In this episode of the Backpacking Light podcast: National Public Lands Day, transitioning from summer to fall gear, UV light as a water treatment technology, an interview with adventurer Tully Henke about his epic trek through the wilderness of eastern Russia, and attempting to answer the question: “why do I walk?”

    Adam W
    BPL Member


    Unless you’re looking for single Ukrainian women, the link to Tully’s vlog didn’t work.

    James Marco
    BPL Member


    Locale: Finger Lakes

    I am afraid that using waterproof socks in the same wet shoes still won’t keep your feet that much warmer. Inserting them into wet, cold shoes is still wearing wet cold shoes on your feet.

    The evaporation/conduction rates for wet shoes remains the same, perhaps slightly less due to the extra insulation of the Gortex. The dry, warmer socks and more insulation in your shoes is what is keeping your feet warmer. Yes, it works, but it isn’t as effective as carrying a 4oz set of foam shoes. Several MYOG articles on this on the BPL forum. Blue foam is waterproof if not real durable.

    Jens Aarnaes


    Locale: Rocky Mountains

    You mentioned getting Giardia twice in your backpacking life. May I ask where you were when you got them?




    — Jens Aarnaes

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