Episode 43 | Ben Kilbourne Reads “Observing Transition Season”

What are you trying to accomplish when you backpack?

Unpacked: “Billionaire Wilderness” Book Review

When money and conservation collide.

Salamander Song

Rediscovering the Great Smoky Mountains by lens and brush.

Adapting to Changing Wildfires: Part Three

In part three of his series on modern wildfires, Rex Sanders uses video and animation to help you visualize just how crazy this wildfire season has been.

Adapting to Changing Wildfires: Part Two

In part two of his essay series on modern wildfires, Rex Sanders explores how backpackers must adapt to the new normal.

Episode 30 | Journalist Adam Federman on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Part II

In this episode of the Backpacking Light Podcast, Andrew follows up with journalist Adam Federman about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Can Wilderness Include Humans?

Am I willing to temper my desire for the pristine with an awareness that the pristine is a cultural construct?

Episode 17 | Journalist Adam Federman on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Part I

Jimmy Carter created the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in 1980, and it’s been a contentious subject ever since. A bonanza of biodiversity, the ANWR also potentially sits atop one of America’s last untapped oil reserves. In this episode, Andrew talks to Adam Federman, a journalist covering the recent push by the Trump administration to lease oil and gas rights in the refuge. Adam is a reporting fellow with Type Investigations, where he’s spent the last few years covering energy, public land, and the Trump administration’s environmental policies.

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