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Winter Hiking Arrastra Creek Montana: Snowcaves and Sleds in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness

The Absaroka range is known for rugged terrain, and we decided to test our winter backpacking skills there by hiking Arrastra Creek Montana.

Home-Dried: How to Prepare Your Own Lightweight Backpacking Meals

Some backpackers require specialized trail food. Others simply want to target a specific dietary preference. Learning how to make your own lightweight backpacking food is a valuable skill, and perhaps, easier than you think.

Rudow & Atwood Complete Grand Canyon Rim Traverse

Traversing the Grand Canyon's Rim is one of the hardest outdoor feats. Read how some friends turned this dream into a reality.

Bowron Lakes Canoe Trek: Family Paddling with Kids in Lightweight Style

A Bowron Lakes Canoe trek with my wife and kids - family wilderness paddling, lightweight style. Our trip report, gear notes, and more.

Enlightened Equipment Booties Review

Community review / giveaway results for the Enlightened Equipment Apex-insulation-filled booties.

Brooks Range Backpacking: Practical Lessons Learned From the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

On his Brooks Range Backpacking trip, Jorgen Johansson learns the best ways to cross streams and that paradise is not as far as you think.

Altra Lone Peak NeoShell Review

The Altra Lone Peak Neoshell: light, zero-drop, wide toebox, waterproof-breathable. An ultralight backpacker's shoe for the fringe season?

Tarptent Stratospire 1 Review

This Tarptent Stratospire 1 Review highlights one of the most livable and stormworthy lightweight solo tents available.

Nigor Didis 2 Tent, Part 2: A DIY/MYOG Case Study for Aftermarket Modifications to Improve Tent Performance

The author presents manageable solutions to improve performance of the Nigor Didis 2 Tunnel Tent using an MYOG / DIY approach that can be applied to any tent.

Universal TrailPix Trekking Pole Tripod Review

The Universal TrailPix, two trekking poles, and one additional pole make a tripod capable of holding a compact or small DSLR camera. The TrailPix consists of a triangular and mostly flat piece of aluminum with three holes in it for trekking poles. Thumbscrews secure the poles in place.

Packrafting the Wood River (British Columbia)

A tale of extreme bushwhacking, intense whitewater packrafting, and a 5-day trek that turned into an 11-day epic on British Columbia's Wood River.

January 2016 Strategic Update (Screencast, Unlimited Members Only)

This 27-minute screencast offers an update for Unlimited Members about the strategic direction of in 2016.

Faces: Paul “Mags” Magnanti

Paul "Mags" Magnanti is an active Backpacking Light contributor, a writer for Trail Groove Magazine, and a blogger. Learn more about Mags in this interview!

Dyneema, Cuben Fiber, and the Future of Outdoor Gear

The introduction of Dyneema (a.k.a., Cuben Fiber) fabrics is one of the most exciting developments to hit the ultralight gear niche over the past several years. With the introduction of several new cottage manufacturers, the acquisition of Cubic Tech, and innovation in ultralight gear made with Cuben Fiber / Dyneema, there are exciting times ahead.

Best Ultralight Backpacking Gear of 2015: Our Staff Favorites!

This article summarizes our staff's best backpacking gear of the year - the ultralight hiking, backpacking, and camping gear they pick as their favorites for their annual adventures.

Ultralight Backpacking: Core Principles & Philosophy (Video)

Ultralight Backpacking: Core Principles is a 13-minute video screencast presentation that provides a critical foundation for efficiently becoming a skilled ultralight backpacker. The core principles presented herein should be considered wherever you are in your journey on lightening up, and are as applicable to me even today, after decades of "working on my pack weight", as they were to me more than 25 years ago when I started this journey.

Nicolas Jarossay to Attempt First Transantlantic SUP Crossing

Nicolas Jarossay is about to become the first person to attempt a transatlantic traverse by stand-up-paddle-board.

Primus Winter Gas Review

Primus released a new blend of gas known as Winter Gas. Does this blend increase fuel efficiency? Is it worth the cost?

Pukaskwa National Park: A Journey Along the Coastal Hiking Trail

Following a memorable trip along Lake Superior a year ago, the author returns for another adventure filled with solitude and scenery.

Loncke Completes First Unsupported Death Valley Traverse

Louis-Philippe Loncke, a Belgian explorer completes an 8-day, unsupported, solo trek through some of the harshest conditions and terrain on the planet.

Paramo Socorro and Katmai Shirts (Flash Review)

The Soccoro ladies shirt can be used in the field or while traveling, and makes for a nice gift.

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