Luke Schmidt
Case Studies: Using Google Earth to Plan Wilderness Trips
This article presents some case studies of using Google Earth for wilderness trip planning, with a presentation of my process and lessons learned.
Whitewater Packraft Reviews: 2018 State of the Market Report
2018 Packraft Reviews and State of the Market Report providing a comprehensive overview of solo river packrafts.
Mountains, Waterfalls and Rivers: Exploring Monkman Provincial Park, British Columbia
So when Ben texted me that he and two other guys had lined up a brand new "epic" trip in Monkman Provincial Park, British Columbia, I probably should have thought about what I was getting into. But I was up for some excitement so I joined the trip.
Asolo Plasmic Shoe Review – Off-Trail Performance
This Asolo Plasmic Shoe Review identifies how this shoe performs. Our take is that it performs well in boulders, scree, and in the forest.
Hiking Big Bend National Park: Outer Mountain Loop
Hiking Big Bend National Park's Outer Mountain Loop gave the author an opportunity to get out and see deserts and mountains on the same route.
Hiking Big Bend Ranch State Park: Rancherias Loop Trail
The Rancherias Loop Trail in Big Bend State Park is one of the last wild places in West Texas. With few visitors and stunning scenery, it is not to be missed.
The Ptarmigan-to-Belly River Traverse: Packrafting in Glacier National Park
Luke Schmidt tests his wilderness skills with a Glacier National Park packrafting trip over Ptarmigan Pass and down the Belly River. He shares photos from the trip and the gear he used.
Packrafting Pacific Creek in the Teton Wilderness
Luke Schmidt shares photos and commentary from his solo Teton Wilderness Packrafting trip on Pacific Creek and discusses some of his gear choices.
Packrafting the Upper Yellowstone River
The author ventures to the Upper Yellowstone River area and experiences the peace found only in a beautiful and remote location.
DIY Ultralight Backpack: My Search for a Perfect Pack
After trying several commercial backpacks, I made my own DIY ultralight backpack so I could have the features I like.
Kokopelli Nirvana Packraft Review
The Kokopelli Nirvana packraft performs well in whitewater, it is durable, well made, and competitively priced.
Packrafting the Wood River (British Columbia)
A tale of extreme bushwhacking, intense whitewater packrafting, and a 5-day trek that turned into an 11-day epic on British Columbia's Wood River.
Amateur Backpacking Videography
Videography with an emphasis on the pursuit of the "perfect" shot and the ensuing editing can be time consuming, daunting, and distract from your trip. The author presents tactics to make it easier and record your adventures.
Weekend Wanderings in West Texas: Photo Essay
Saved by the Guadalupe Mountains, the author learns to live in West Texas and begins to enjoy the area with weekend visits to the mountains.
Packrafting without a Good Map
Despite losing their map during a stream crossing early in the trip, the adventurers trek on determined to hit the big water.
Exped Lightning 60 Review
Due to a robust internal frame, this pack not only excels at carrying either heavy or light loads, but it's also rather comfortable and lightweight.
A Guide to the Grayson Highlands
A unique and diverse area, the Grayson Highlands are an excellent hiking location in the Mid-Atlantic.
Off-trail in the Teton Wilderness – Take 2
Grizzly Bears! Mountain Goats! Elk! With a clear conscience the author returns to conquer this vast wilderness.
Off-trail in the Teton Wilderness
The Teton Wilderness is vast and beautiful. Take a journey through this landscape and enjoy the scenery.
Success and Failure on the Colorado Trail
Planning like crazy to do a thru-hike doesn't quiet the fears: "Can I do this? Will my gear work? Will I stay motivated? Do I have the right food?" Only time on the trail would answer.