Podcast Episode November 6, 2023

Episode 90 | Alpaca Wool Base Layers

Episode Summary

In today's episode of the Backpacking Light podcast we're going to talk about four season tents, a new ABC watch that could dethrone the Garmin Fenix, and alpaca wool fabrics used for next-to-skin base layer apparel.

Episode Sponsor

a computer generated image of a man in a suit and tie
This episode of the backpacking light podcast is sponsored by ARMS OF ANDES, manufacturer of premium base layer apparel made with alpaca wool. Backpacking Light podcast listeners can enjoy 15% off with the coupon code ALPACALIGHT at armsofandes.com.



In today’s episode of the Backpacking Light podcast we’re going to talk about four season tents, a new ABC watch that could dethrone the Garmin Fenix, and alpaca wool fabrics used for next-to-skin base layer apparel.

a man wearing a beanie and a backpack

In this Episode:

What’s new at Backpacking Light?

Interview with Arms of Andes

Our guests this week are Meli and Rensso Hinostroza, co-founders of the alpaca wool apparel manufacturer Arms of Andes. We have a wide-ranging conversation about alpaca farming, alpaca fiber characteristics, the performance benefits of base layer apparel made with alpaca wool fabrics, and the sustainability of alpaca wool vs. merino wool and synthetic apparel.

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  • Executive Producer - Backpacking Light; Show Director and Host - Ryan Jordan; Producer - Chase Jordan; Theme music: Look for Me in the Mountains written by Chris Cunningham and Ryan Jordan, performed by Chris Cunningham (acoustic guitar, lead and harmony vocals, harmonica), Chad Langford (upright bass), and Tom Murphy (mandolin), produced by Basecamp Studios in Bozeman, Montana.

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Home Forums Episode 90 | Alpaca Wool Baselayers

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  • #3794610
    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    Arms of Andes did send me an invoice. It says I owe them $23. This is nonsense. I would not advertise for them. I would not buy from them. There are better products out there from reliable sources.

    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    They raised the price after I bought it. Now they want to charge me the new price. I understand small business and getting overwhelmed. I come to BPL to support small business. Every mistake they make seems to be in their favor.
    Subtotal : $135.00 USD
    Discount : -$20.25 USD
    Subtotal after discount : $114.75 USD
    Shipping : $5.95 USD
    Total : $120.70 USD
    Paid by customer : $97.75 USD
    Net Payment : $97.75 USD
    Outstanding (Customer owes) : $22.95 USD
    Description Qty Unit Price Subtotal Tax Total
    Men’s Alpaca Wool Base Layer:

    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    Terran, this sounds like an ecommerce software glitch, not an Arms of Andes customer service issue. If they’re using Shopify, this is a known error in the platform when it comes to reconciling price increases after pre-sale or backorders. These email invoices are all automated and triggered by events, like adding inventory to the system. Why don’t you just contact them and find out what’s going on?

    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    She sent an e-mail this morning and did mention the Shopify. Gave me a prompt refund which was cool. Perhaps it is the whole Shopify thing. There’s no notifications. No tracking. I avoided pre ordering and it was treated as a preorder. She’s very nice. I’m used to long wait times. They need to inform you. It seems like nobody is overseeing anything. It’s too much hassle. Too many surprises.

    BPL Member


    Locale: NoCO

    Like you Terran Terran, I’m like the up-front notice of the terms of sale….Timmermade’s multi-month  lead time was OK with me on a couple of orders.  EnlightenEquipment’s weeks lead time is fine with my current order.  Surprises in the terms like “pre-orders”, and additional invoices suck.  I’m not looking forward to further surprises with my pending shipment with Arms.

    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    It sounds like they are getting their shipments in. Like Ryan said, it was probably a problem with Shopify that I had. Or is it “Shop”? The tracking app they want you to download. I notice Garage Grown Gear is using the same app. I’ve used it before with other companies and have found it often to be rather worthless. I canceled my order. Got a fast refund. I have a feeling they’ll be shipping out in a few days though. Hopefully. I wish them well.

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