
Official GGG Thread READ

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    Mark Verber
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    Wish I could make it this year, but likely won't due to some family obligations. I might be able to stop by for a few hours to say hi to old friends. Two questions for people going:

    1) anyone bring a skyscape on this trip? I had a friend, really… I am sticking with my hexamid for the foreseeable future, who is thinking about picking one up. I pointed him toward it based on pictures and some second hand information. would be nice to see one in person.

    2) I saw a not indicating the caledera and GG would be present. Who from GG is showing up, or is it just items they are sending up?


    kevin smith


    i will have my skyscape on this trip you are more than welcome to test it out if you stop by mark mine is the scout but same layout and setup as the trekker

    hope to see you there can t say as much for the two kens LOL JUST KIDDING


    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    @Mark, David Cutherell from GG will be attending.

    "You'll like Dave, he's super smart, has a long career as a 'product guy' in other industries, is also handling our social media.'" says Glen

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Dedication! Kens Van

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    I fixed that missing panel. Need better letters.

    a b


    Hey Ken.. I was thinking we could do something like this to your van…
    .Chuck Norris and Tigger Trail Angel's on the PCT in 2009 seen near Ashland OR

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    I already have the PCTA sticker!

    David Lutz


    Locale: Bay Area

    …..looks like a media van you might have seen in El Salvador in the '80s or Kosovo in the '90s…

    kevin smith


    i suggest we let everyone at the ggg autograph it then take it to the pawn stars and

    let them bring in the autograph expert to authenticate it then sell it to them

    as a famous vehicle used in a video lol


    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Only four more days of me bumping this thread.

    Be kind to my van.

    Been scrambling to get it ready for the trip. Had to replace the crankshaft as a bolt backed out two days before Christmas.
    I was planning on doing a clutch that weekend.
    Not that anyones cares but I have rebuilt the engine, new CV joints, new clutch, resealed the transaxle new rear wheel bearings, repacked the front wheel bearings, rotated and balance the wheels/tires, and a few other things. Along with doing the work for the GGG I am ready for a break.

    Matthew Black


    Thanks for everything, Ken. You should have a well-deserved rest coming up once you hit camp.

    Diana Vann
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wandering


    I received my cuben TrailStar a few days ago. I did a quick set-up, and on that occasion I was not able to achieve a taut pitch. I have a lot on my plate this week, so I don't plan to spend any additional time fiddling with it before this coming weekend. I've read comments that the cuben version might be harder to get snugged up (because cuben doesn't stretch), and I would appreciate the opportunity to compare the cuben version to yours.

    I don't plant to bring the TrailStar as my sleeping shelter, so it will be fun to play with it to see if I (or the collective efforts of those in the group who are willing to help play with it) can figure out a way to achieve a taut pitch.

    Chris S
    BPL Member


    Locale: Truckee, CA

    I'll definitely bring mine. It should be interesting to compare the two and figure out the best way to pitch them. I think someone posted a video about pitching the trailstar recently. I'll have to review that before this weekend.

    d k
    BPL Member


    Just to confirm, Ken(s):

    We park in the overflow lot (assuming it's not already overflowing) then go to the HQ and pay them the fee? Or go to HQ first, pay, then drive back to lot?

    Also, when/where does the gear swap take place?

    Frank H.
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon

    I'm also curious about parking. If we are there early enough do we have to use the over flow parking lot??

    Richard Niemi
    BPL Member


    Locale: Santa Cruz Mountains


    If there is still room I plan on bringing my nephew.


    Denise Won


    I'm Denise Won
    I live in San Francisco
    I can leave as early as 6pm on Friday
    I'd like to be back by Sunday
    Carsick- not if i sit in the front

    I have a car. I don't mind driving or I could catch a ride with someone. I live in the Inner Richmond, next to Golden Gate Park.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    I just got a phone call from the park. They would like it if we all parked in the overflow lot.
    I was thinking that the overflow lot would be a good spot for the swap meet too.

    Pay at the HQ and then park.

    If you get to the overflow lot before me and it looks locked. It is not locked, just lift the chain up.

    Paying for parking. Here's how.
    Drive up towards the park headquarters. You will see a sign on your left for self registration or visitor center open.
    If the visitor center is open, pay there.
    When the visitor center is closed you will be able to self register at the iron ranger by the afore mentioned sign.
    If paying by check, please include your drivers license number and your plate number on the check(in state only)

    You can usually pay with a debit/credit card in the visitor center.

    Any questions?

    Denise Won


    Hi Mathew,

    Is there still room? I live and work in SF and will leave work at 5 pm. I live in the Inner Richmond.


    Matthew Black


    Hi, Denise. If that is directed at me I am not certain if I have space left in the car. I have firm commitments from James Winstead and Doug. I have not heard back from Eli yet. I will give it until Wednesday and if I don't hear from him I will have an open seat.

    We will be leaving from Mission Bay, quite a trek from the Richmond.

    I suppose I should clean out my car…

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Here is all the really important stuff..

    The 4th Annual BPL GGG will be held at Henry Coe State Park February 17-19 2012


    Park staff would like us all in the overflow parking area. Please carpool if you can.

    Overflow parking area is before the main entrance. There is a trail from the parking area that will take you right to the park HQ.
    Parking rates are $8 per day.

    Pay at the HQ and then park.

    If you get to the overflow lot before me and it looks locked. It is not locked, just lift the chain up.

    Paying for parking. Here's how.
    Drive up towards the park headquarters. You will see a sign on your left for self registration or visitor center open.
    If the visitor center is open, pay there.
    When the visitor center is closed you will be able to self register at the iron ranger by the afore mentioned sign.
    If paying by check, please include your drivers license number and your plate number on the check(in state only)

    Information about the park can be found here.

    Backcountry Group sites at Manzanita Point #9 and 10

    These are the same spots we had in January 2011.

    We will(weather permitting) have vehicle support to haul in wood and water

    Speaking of weather put in Morgan Hill, CA

    Average temps for this weekend are lows around 40 and highs around 60

    Please help defer costs of the GGG reservations and incidentals Paypal of funds would be greatly appreciated.

    Paypal to [email protected]

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Read the above and I'll see you in 3 days!

    Aaron Benson


    Locale: Central Valley California

    The Aerins can't make it after all. Thanks for your effort with this, Ken.

    Everyone have a great time!

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    That's right. Last Call.

    We have 75 signed up so far. We have room for 100. Last chance to sign up is tomorrow. I head south on Thursday.

    Travis Leanna
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wisconsin

    Have a blast everyone! Wish I could be there and meet you all.

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