Make Your Own Gear: Multi-Pad-Ground-Sheet Integration System

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to size, cut and glue a tidy sleeping pad system.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Straight Stitch and Top Stitch

Instructions on how to properly sew two workhorse stitches.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Sewing a Felled Seam

A tarp and tent ridgeline standard thanks to its water impeding fold.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Reinforcement Stitches for Lightweight Fabrics

Why standard reinforcement stitches may not be suitable for your lightweight fabric, which ones are, and how to sew them.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Sewing Machine Setup

Sewing machine setup instructions with photos, and tips for sewing lightweight fabrics.

Make Your Own Gear: The Micro Z-Stand Pot Support

Using Backpacking Light Titanium Alloy UltraRods to build a sturdy, and now heat resistant, sub-0.20 oz (5.7 g) Z-Stand pot support for alcohol and solid fuel stoves.

Make Your Own Gear: Transforming a Mummy Sleeping Bag into an Arc Top Bag

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to convert a mummy bag to an arc quilt.

Make Your Own Gear: Alcohol Stove Windscreen

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to construct an efficient alcohol stove windscreen.

Make Your Own Gear: The Z-Stand Pot Stand Revisited, Revised, and Relightened!

Using Backpacking Light's Titanium Alloy UltraRods to Build a Sturdy 0.15 oz (4.2 g) Z-Stand Pot Support for Alcohol and Solid Fuel Stoves

Make Your Own Gear: Shortening a Therm-a-Rest UltraLite Self-Inflating Pad

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to cut, reshape, and reseal a self-inflating pad.

Make Your Own Gear: The “Z-Stand” Pot Support for Alcohol Stoves

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to make a lightweight and unique pot stand.

Make Your Own Gear: Open Jet Alcohol Stove

Complete step by step instructions on how to construct an open jet alcohol stove that looks as good as it works.

A Homemade Gear Sled (Pulk) for Backcountry Winter Travel
Introduction Winter backpacking is an entirely different experience from backpacking at any other time of the year. In the winter our needs for food, water, and warmth require significant changes...

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