Ice Axes

Cottage Gear Guide: Ultralight Hiking & Backpacking Gear from Small, Startup, and Cottage Brands

Discover the most unique, innovative, and ultralight backpacking gear from small, startup, and cottage brands in our Cottage Gear Guide.

I want to buy a used 60cm UL Ice Axe for glacier travel
Gear Swap

I want to practice on some local (St Paul, MN) snow and ice this winter in preparation for a planned trip to Gannett Peak, WY this summer. Low weight is…

Camp Corsa Nanotech ice axe 50cm $100
Gear Swap

Camp Corsa Nanotech ice axe 50cm barely used – almost all on the back of the pack – no wear to points $110 PayPal shipped CONUS

Petzl Ride – Ice Axe (never used)
Gear Swap

Selling this ice axe that was never used.  This has a steel pick with an aluminum shaft.  Th steel pick has cutouts to keep the weight down while still being…

Publisher’s Gear Guide Update (Nov ’23)

The Publisher’s Gear Guide has been updated. This gear guide contains recommendations in various categories by Backpacking Light Publisher and Founder Ryan Jordan. This is the gear he actually chooses to use on his own trips.

Suluk 46 TiCa Ice Tool 60cm
Gear Swap

New Suluk TiCa ice tool. 60cm, 4.45oz on my scale. Purchased last Spring but never used. Free shipping in US. PayPal preferred.

FS: Camp Corsa ice axe, BD and kahtoola spikes
Gear Swap

I outfitted 6 friends for a backcountry trip on a section JMT trip in mid June, a few dropped out due to crazy snow (10 feet). These are the leftovers….

Suluk 46 Tica Ice Tool Head and Spike Protectors
Gear Swap

Hi Everyone, I spent some time the last couple of weeks finishing a head and spike protector for my Suluk Ice tool.  I wanted the freedom to stuff it into…

CAMP Corsa Ice Axe – 60 inch
Gear Swap

SOLD-CAMP Corsa Ice Axe–60 Inch at 8.8 oz it’s about the lightest on the market.  I’ve gone with a Black Diamond Whippet instead. Was Asking $80 + Shipping Costs –…

2022 Backpacking Light Members Choice Awards

First annual Members Choice Awards – what gear do our members use and love as we near the end of 2022?

Black Diamond Raven Ice Axe

Gear reviews from our staff and members, buy/sell used, shopping tools, and more about the Black Diamond Raven Ice Axe.

CAMP Corsa Ice Axe

Gear reviews from our staff and members, buy/sell used, shopping tools, and more about the CAMP Corsa Ice Axe.

Black Diamond Whippet Carbon Pole, Sold
Gear Swap

Excellent shape.  Barely used.  This is older model where steel pick does not remove.  17.5 ozs.  $150 new from Black Diamond.  $90 plus shipping.  I can text or e-mail pictures

Camp Corsa Nanotech 50cm Ice Axle – New with tags
Gear Swap

Camp Corsa Nanotech 50cm ice axe, new with tags. Never ended up using it like I thought I would. $110 shipped, I ship within 24 hours. Thanks for looking!

Black Diamond Raven Pro 60cm Straight
Gear Swap

Used once. I have more photos.

Suluk46 Tica Ice Tool

This is not a certified mountaineering safety tool. It’s an ultralight ice arrest tool that hikers can use on low-angle snowfields with no consequences at the end of your slide….


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