
Sierra or Glacier NP?

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Home Forums Campfire Trip Planning Sierra or Glacier NP?

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    Lucas K
    BPL Member


    I am seeking some guidance from the Sierra gurus out there. I have a 5 day permit to hike a loop in the Sierra from June 23-27. Itinerary is:

    D1: Pine Creek TH to Granite Park

    D2: Granite Park to Hilgard Branch (PCT junction)

    D3: Hilgard Branch to Stenger Creek/Sallie Keys Bench

    D4: Stenger Creek/Sallie Keys Bench to Hutchinson Meadows

    D5: Hutchinson Meadows to Pine Creek TH

    I have never been to the Sierra and I am hiking with two teenagers (13m&14m). I am concerned with the snowpack especially going over Italy Pass. I also have a permit for mid July to hike from Kintla Lake to Bowman Lake in Glacier NP. I have to choose between the two and I am having difficulty doing so. I have been to Glacier multiple times and I am not concerned with the dates and timeline of that hike.  I would like to start finalizing plans, filling spreadsheets, booking flights and would greatly appreciate some intel from the community as to what the Sierra could possibly look like and opinions if it’s a terrible idea for this year. Thanks everyone!


    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    another problem with Sierras then is stream crossings.  With all the snow melt.

    Lucas K
    BPL Member


    Thanks for the insight. I had watched a YouTube video of a solo hiker going from the PCT junction at Hilgard branch up and over Italy pass and that drainage looked like it could be pretty spicy with a lot of melt… and it probably isn’t the only one.

    Paul Wagner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wine Country

    Note that we just got about two feet of snow in the Sierra.  The temperatures between now and your hike will determine how much snow is left up there, but we’re at 100%+ of snowpack right now.

    Lucas K
    BPL Member


    Good to know and thank you for the intel. I really want to hike the Sierra but it’s starting to look like my permit may be too early this year. My logical side is telling me to bail to Glacier in July and the Winds in August.  I have seen the snow reports before the snow that you just described and it didn’t look good then. I’m am just not familiar with how fast it melts in the spring from a planning perspective. Thanks again!

    DWR D
    BPL Member


    Your dates are about a month too early for the Sierra to avoid a lot of snow …

    Lucas K
    BPL Member


    Thanks everyone for the advice. It’s looks like we will be going to Glacier to hike around the North Fork/ Goat Haunt area. Maybe fall or next year for the Sierra. I’ll get there someday!

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    Will there be too much snow in Glacier at that time?

    Lucas K
    BPL Member


    My experience in Glacier and up into Banff / Yoho is that most places are decent by the first part of July. I have been to Glacier in all the summer months and July is my favorite with the long days combined with the lower risk of wildfire. I was there the year Sperry Chalet burned down and it made for a long week with all the smoke from the fires in the park. From what I have gathered the snowpack is a little below average this year in Glacier.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    It’s been an average snow year in the Sierra. Temps  are soaring recently. I often hike in the Sierra at elevation in June–and especially late June. I’m not familiar with your itinerary. Which rivers  or streams will you cross that might pose problems? Are there other non dangerous river  crossing routes you might  take? Honestly I wouldn’t  give up on the Sierra just yet.

    Lucas K
    BPL Member


    I haven’t given up my permit or the hope that it still could happen! The streams and rivers are a concern but my main concern is going over Italy Pass with two teenagers (14m & 13m). The info that I’ve been able to gather about the route over the pass is mostly a talus route and with it covered in snow makes for some hesitation on my part. If it was myself solo or with other adults I wouldn’t give it much thought. There looks to be a lot of crossings over the five days encompassing Pine Creek / Granite Park , Hilgard Branch to Bear Creek all the way down (PCT south) to Piute Canyon / French Canyon and then back out over Pine Creek Pass.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    I can appreciate your concern about Italy Pass. Since you’re in the area,  have you considered South Lake to North Lake loop? I.e Dusy Basin to Humphreys Basin.  this is all on trail. Very spectacular. Yes it’s popular but deservedly so. Popular does NOT mean crowds or anything close to that. The point is, it’s a spectacular but more straighforward route with no scary river crossings. The pictures below  hardly do the route justice. There will be more snow when you go which I think really adds a lot to the scenery.

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