
PM is pretty Bad

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  • #3764110
    BPL Member


    Not sure why but my PM is horrible.  I dont get notifications if someone send a pM. Only way I can see them is if i click on account then private messages.. I feel like it would be nice to get an email notification when someone sends a PM.. No???  I basically tell everyone not to PM and just email directly because its easier, faster and just more convenient.. is this just how it is, or am i missing some notification setting?


    Jon Fong / Flat Cat Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: FLAT CAT GEAR

    FYI – I am noticing the same thing.

    Matthew / BPL


    Dirtbag, Jon – please send me a PM then post here.

    BPL Member



    Matthew / BPL


    Matthew / BPL


    (That goes to my personal email not my BPL email)

    Matthew / BPL


    Is it safe to assume y’all have checked your spam/junk folders? Usually when this happens people find their notifications are getting marked as spam.

    Matthew / BPL


    If you want to try whitelisting the sender, the PMs come from [email protected]

    BPL Member


    I dunno..  i just got a bunch of emails from you.. from this thread.. not pm and not from anyone else though… and i have 56 messages in my pm folder, lol. Check my spam folder every day too.. just to clear any junk out.. anyway.. i am technically challenged so.. is what it is.. just wanted to make sure it wasnt a setting thing i missed.

    David Thomas
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Woods. Far North.

    I’ve had gmail stack up PMs in one thread but not show them to me as new messages after the first one.

    Matthew / BPL


    Good call, David. Gmail is weird like that. Not a fan. Same with Outlook. They both seems to try to “help” out by organizing stuff for you in unexpected ways.



    Locale: The Cascades

    I’ve always gotten an email alert when someone PMs me, until now. After reading this thread I went and checked my PMs, and there was a PM there I wasn’t alerted to. So it’s not a setting, it’s not my email program, it’s not in my spam/junk folder. it must be something y’all changed recently. As I said, I’ve always gotten an email alert, even when others have written about not receiving them. But I see someone sent me a PM yesterday, and I never received an email alert. fwiw.



    Locale: The Cascades

    @dirtbag: there is a setting for getting emails for PMs, but it seems to be missing. If you go to ‘My Profile’ (under Account), and then click on ‘Settings’, you’ll see a link for ‘Email’. But when I click on that, there’s nothing there except a ‘Save Changes’ button, so nowhere to actually set email settings. I assume that might be part of the problem.

    In doing a bit more looking around, if you click on “Email Newsletter” you get this:

    Clicking on ‘Return Home’ takes you to a drip page, not a BPL page.

    BPL Member


    Lol yes I tried that.. and it said, “email settings saved”. But not sure what settings were saved because it did not give me any options.  I hope I didn’t just screw up what I already had!!

    BPL Member


    I remember getting email notifications from BPL through my personal email (yahoo) that I had messages. As of late I haven’t been receiving a email telling me I have a PM on BPL. Im happy dirtbag posted about this issue…I’m glad I’m not the “only” one lol

    BPL Member


    “You say Im crazy cause you dont think i know what you’ve done…”

    Mark Verber
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    I am also not getting notifications of PMs.  Checked inbox and spam folder. My mail is hosted by gmail.

    Matthew / BPL


    Ryan and the developer are working on the problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Ethan A.
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay Area & New England

    Thanks dirtbag and Matt for the heads up. Only wanted to let you know after reading this thread that I found the same, and I’m certain two PM’s I sent out before seeing this thread did not generate alerts for the recipients. Matt appreciate it very much if you could let us know when the issue has been resolved.

    Sharon M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central North Carolina

    PM notifications still aren’t working.  Any updates on when this issue will be resolved?

    Matthew / BPL


    We are continuing to work with the developer. We got an update yesterday:

    We have isolated the issue to a specific plugin which is some progress because email handling occurs in several places. “A conflict between two email handlers is causing these messages to not be sent. I’m not clear yet where the issue lies, but I’m continuing to investigate.”

    We don’t expect any progress to be made on this until after Thanksgiving. We are sorry for the inconvenience and we are working to resolve it.

    BPL Member


    waiting for my PM notifications..

    BPL Member


    Locale: N NY

    Looks like you gained weight!

    BPL Member


    Guess you didn’t get the PM..

    BPL Member


    Anything with this? Or is it all moot ?

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