
A Diablo Loop Hike: 58 parks in 11 Days

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Home Forums Campfire Member Trip Reports A Diablo Loop Hike: 58 parks in 11 Days

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    Amy Lauterbach
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    A Diablo Loop Hike: 58 parks in 11 Days

    We (Amy and James) have completed a number of multi-day backpacking trips in the San Francisco Bay Area. See some earlier trip reports at:

    Point Reyes Circumambulation
    San Francisco to Point Reyes Loop, 5 days
    Novato to San Francisco
    Palo Alto to Santa Cruz
    Monterey Bay from Santa Cruz to Point Pinos

    However, we had never done a long trip in the East Bay, an area rich in public lands. James had been working on planning this route for over a year, and the weather forecast looked excellent in early March, so off we went.

    The Route

    You can view the route map and download kml/gpx files at our CalTopo map; they include the basic 207-mile route, along with some diversions. There is a folder of water sources and a folder of resupply locations.

    This trip is a loop that can be started and completed at any point a walker might choose. We have a goal of using public transit to access our local walks, and bus service between Palo Alto and Union City is fast and frequent, so we selected Union City as our start. We walked counter-clockwise, but see no reason the other direction wouldn’t be as good. The Loop is also easily accessible by BART at several locations.

    The route is 207 miles in length. On our trip we walked an additional 11 miles for resupply and other diversions, for a total of 218 miles. Altitude gain is something over 44,000 feet. To put the Diablo Loop in perspective, the John Muir Trail is 210 miles in length and has a gain of around 46,000 feet. Below is a map of the route.

    Diablo Loop

    The route traverses at least 58 designated pieces of public land. These include a National Park Historic Site, a State Park, many East Bay Regional District preserves, local city parks and recreation areas, non-motorized trail corridors, and so forth. By piecing all of these together, road walking (on a paved public street or on a sidewalk next to a street) is reduced to around 10 miles. Even though the route traverses Union City/Fremont, Livermore, Walnut Creek and Hayward, very little of it is on actual city streets because each of those towns has cross-town trail corridors.

    In many parks, there are numerous alternative ways to get from Point A to Point B; our choices were often arbitrary and others could easily select variations which would lengthen or shorten the route. Hike your own hike.

    The big challenge James faced in building this route was finding links between parks, staying on various trail corridors and keeping off of roads as much as possible. Some of the links are not obvious from just glancing at a map, and much research and a lot of exploration with Google Street View and satellite imagery and other tools was done to parse out these links.

    Roughly half of the loop follows the yet to be completed Bay Area Ridge Trail. Over time things do change on the ground as the Ridge Trail Council and other agencies work to acquire and develop more parks. We know of at least two significant areas where planning and/or current trail work is being done that will eliminate some of the road walking and make the park-to-park connections even better, and we will update the route information when those connections are available.

    The loop passes over three significant East Bay summits: Mission Peak, Rose Peak, and Mt. Diablo. There are many less significant high points that offer fantastic views as well, and spectacular panoramic views of the entire Bay Area are frequent.

    Habitat varies and includes open rolling grasslands, oak woodland, riparian corridors, some small amounts of coniferous woodland, and a bit of chaparral as well. Some areas have active grazing, so don’t be surprised to have to interact with a cow or two.

    The Loop passes the Lindsey Wildlife Museum in Walnut Creek, the John Muir NHS in Martinez, and the Chabot Space and Science Center in the Oakland hills for those who enjoy a bit of culture on their hike.

    The route only requires climbing over a couple of fences and the only trespass we are aware of is a very short crossing of a railroad right-of-way at the south end of Crockett Regional Preserve. This is actually is not posted “No Trespassing” but caution is advised when crossing the tracks and on the short bridge spanning two lanes of Highway 4.


    There are plenty of grocery stores that are either directly or very close to the route, with a major supermarket on route every ~50 miles. There are also a variety of conveniently located cafes and restaurants. Access to water was not a problem, as public water sources are relatively frequent. There are also stock ponds and creeks if you are willing to clean the water before drinking, however these sources are seasonally dependent and may not be available in the summer. Water sources in urban areas are not mapped.


    There are a number of public campsites along the route. However, they all require reservations. Reserving a campsite from East Bay Parks requires at least five days notice and is a stupidly complex process. There are also motels in some locations along the route that could be used for overnights. We elected to stealth camp and had no problems finding suitable sites. We were never, to the best of our knowledge, observed camping by outsiders. We did follow standard stealth rules: set up at dusk, break camp before sunrise, no fires (not even stoves), no lights, no noise, no litter. Just be aware that if you do stealth camp, you will be in violation of park regulations.


    Two permits are required and easily obtained:
    SF Watershed lands and the Ohlone Regional Wilderness.
    East Bay Municipal Utilities District lands.


    We greatly enjoyed this walk. It is always a pleasure to be able to take a backpacking trip close to home without using a car. We are incredibly lucky to have vast amounts of open space, some of which is functionally wilderness, so close to home. Even though we have hiked extensively in the Bay Area for 35 years, we were still able to see parks and regions we had never visited. The diversity of the hike was excellent and passing through populated areas just added to the fun of the trip. The weather was good, the grass was green, the flowers were blooming, and the birds were singing.

    List of Parks

    Alameda Creek Trail
    Quarry Lakes Regional Recreation Area
    Centerville Community Park
    Fremont Central Park
    Gomes Park
    Mission San Jose Park
    Mission Peak Regional Preserve
    Sunol Regional Preserve
    Ohlone Regional Wilderness
    Del Valle Regional Preserve
    Arroyo Road Trail
    Sycamore Grove Park
    Holdener Park
    Robertson Park
    Sunken Gardens Park
    Almond Park
    Robert Livermore Park
    Springtown Public Golf Course
    Springtown Preserve
    Christensen Park
    Altamont Creek Park
    Brushy Peak Regional Preserve
    Los Vaqueros Watershed
    Morgan Territory Regional Preserve
    Mount Diablo State Park
    Diablo Foothills Regional Preserve
    Shell Ridge Open Space
    Briones to Mount Diablo Regional Trail
    San Miguel Park
    Heather Farm Park
    Larkey Park
    Alacantes Ridge Open Space
    Springhill Park
    Briones Regional Preserve
    John Muir National Historic Site
    Carquinez Straight Regional Shoreline
    Crockett Hills Regional Preserve
    Muir Heritage Trust Fernandez Ranch
    Pinole Valley Watershed
    Pinole Park
    Sobrante Regional Preserve
    Kennedy Grove Regional Recreation Area
    Wildcat Regional Preserve
    Tilden Regional Preserve
    Siesta Valley Recreation Area
    Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve
    Huckleberry Botanic Regional Preserve
    Redwood Regional Preserve
    Chabot Regional Preserve
    Cull Canyon Regional Preserve
    Independence Park
    Don Castro Regional Preserve
    Five Canyons Park
    Hayward Greenbelt Park
    Old Highlands Park
    Garin Regional Preserve
    Dry Creek Regional Preserve
    Charles F. Kennedy Park

    A Few Photos

    Mission Peak RP east side

    Los Vaqueros watershed

    Morgan Territory RP

    Carquinez Straights

    Golden Gate from Wildcat Canyon RP

    Mt. Diablo from Sibley Volcanic RP

    Mt. Diablo from Cull Canyon RP

    Paul Wagner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wine Country

    Thanks for posting this, Amy

    Erik G
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central Coast

    You and James are an inspiration! I've done a few trips based on your trip reports, and they've been great. My wife and I are hiking the BSL this June (clockwise FWIW).

    THANK YOU for the detailed trip reports and highly creative trip ideas!

    Warren G


    Locale: Santa Clara Valley

    That's an inspiring trip, and I'm sure the planning was complicated.

    Have you considered Henry Coe Park? You can easily spend a week there, and there will be days where you won't see anyone, particularly in the Eastern part of the park. You wouldn't have to carry as much food if you like to eat Bass. You could link Coe Park to some of the other park areas along Coyote Creek if you wanted a longer trip.

    Amy Lauterbach
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    ErikG – Thanks for letting us know that the reports are useful! We make use of other people's reports, and so we try to write ours in ways that are useful to others planning their own trips. Have a great trip in SEKI. Hopefully the June mosquitos won't be too bad this year, given the anemic snowpack.

    WarrenG – funny you should ask about Coe. Jim and I have spent over 300 days there over the past 30+ years, including many dozens of days conducting bird surveys at Coe and adjacent private ranch lands. We've probably taken 30 or 40 multi-night backpacking trips there. We don't post any trip reports for Coe backpacking trips because there are so many other reports available that it seems repetitive. Here's one trip that was a bit non-standard in terms of what most people do:

    This recent East Bay loop trip was a fun challenge to figure out the best way to connect all the parks. And just today Jim read that the Muir Heritage Land Trust recently acquired another piece of property that looks like it will allow us to make one more tweak to eliminate a piece of the ~10 miles of road walking! Little by little that route will be perfected.

    BPL Member


    Locale: The West is (still) the Best

    Great adventure! Were you able to minimize pack volume by eating with everything available? Seems food volume could almost be done away with (guessing no stoves?).

    Richard Nisley
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area


    Thank you for posting another very informative trip report. As a Bay Area resident, your adventures always get filed in my "to-do" list. Please keep up your exploration of this area!

    Warren G


    Locale: Santa Clara Valley

    Good stuff Amy. 300 days in Coe… It's quite a place, and you obviously know it very well. Your photos from your Thanksgiving trip show many of the locales we've enjoyed during our three trips to Coe this year. Last weekend my wife and I camped at Coit Lake for two nights, and we did a day trip over to Kingbird Pond. The trail to the pond wasn't visible in places, and it looked like we were the first ones to visit this Spring. The bass were hungry! I'm sure you remember the wildflowers along Orestimba Creek Road-they're really good right now.

    I'm wondering, with so many nights spent sleeping outside, when you are home, do you sleep in a bed, or on a sleeping pad?

    Jacob D
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Bay


    I've followed some of your past trip reports as well and have to say this is right up there with them! Another very cool, our of the norm, Bay Area adventure.

    Stealth camping is, unfortunately, much much easier to do around the open and not-so-open spaces of the Bay Area. Just a few weeks ago I was mulling over a long route on the B.A. Ridge Trail thinking how cool it would be to do a local thru-hike of moderate distance, following the trail… unfortunately the camping options (or lack of) all but crush that idea.

    It's a bit of an irony that we have SO MANY great open spaces, and a fairly substantial trail system that interconnects many of them (sans a few gaps) but non-existent facilities for those who would do multi-day walks, sleeping outside.

    Sorry about that little de-rail, it's an issue that bugs me though :)

    Trips close to home like this always feel a little more special to me. Congrats on what looks like an amazing walk about!

    Link .
    BPL Member


    I love your trip reports! I always look forward to reading them, they are so detailed and inspiring!! Keep up the great reports and trips!

    Catherine D
    BPL Member



    This is very inspiring. I'm so glad to have discovered your trove of trip reports.

    Ethan A.
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay Area & New England

    I've learned a lot from your trip reports – about both places and how gear and technique worked for you and Jim in different locals. One of the magical things about your trip reports in and around the Bay Area is how they invite one to see the region with fresh eyes, when so many of us tend to overlook or take for granted what's right in our backyard.

    Truly a treasure trove. Thank you very much for investing the time and sharing.

    Ethan A.
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay Area & New England

    Amy you do an amazing job of using online and mobile tools for pre-trip planning, while on the trail and for illustrating trip reports. If you can spare the time one day, it would be great if you could share a list of the tools you use and how you use them.

    Sharon J.
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay area

    As usual, Amy and Jim inspire with the creativity of their route-planning, and the thoroughness of their trip reports.

    Since a couple of people have commented on the dearth of (legal) camping options, I thought I'd post an article announcing a new park plugging one of the gaps in the SF Bay Trail.

    Unfortunately, its proximity to the Dumbarton Bridge isn't its only drawback. Concern has been raised over the soil used to fill in the old quarry. Bringing in outside water may (or may not) be advisable.

    Danny Milks
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay Area

    This trip report is simply inspiring! We live at the base of Mt Diablo and have been to many of these parks, but to put it all into one long loop is fantastic. Really takes advantage of the nature in the east bay. Thanks Amy for chronicling and sharing your trip.

    Kristin Tennessen
    BPL Member


    Locale: Bay Area

    Really inspiring! I second how frustrating it is to make EBRP camping reservations.

    BPL Member


    Amy & Jim,

    it's always wonderful to see your trip reports. Thank you for sharing the detailed route, including water sources, etc. Jim's planning is always amazing me.

    Now I just need to decide which part to do for the upcoming 4th of July weekend :)

    Best Regards,


    Amy Lauterbach
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    The Bay Area Ridge Trail recently announced that they opened a new section of trail that connects Garin to Chabot parks. The newly opened section eliminates one of the major road/town sections of this Diablo Loop Hike. Hurray. I've updated the CalTopo map – the old section is shown in orange, and the new route is now incorporated into the primary red line. The next major piece of town/road walking will be replaced in 2018 when EBRPD plans to open another seven miles of Ridge Trail south of Garin Regional Park, reaching to Niles Canyon.

    John Topping
    BPL Member


    Locale: Peak District

    Amy & Jim,

    Thanks again for another great trip report. This isn’t a trip I am ever likely to do (not very local!) but still an interesting read.

    However, the HRP is on the cards for next year and your earlier article is required reading!

    Best regards



    Amy Lauterbach
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    We built our own website,, so that we can control the format and improve the content of our trip reports and route guides. We just rewrote this one and improved the gpx data too. It’s a great route and we’re excited to share it. We got a message from somebody who hiked it in the spring of 2016 and he said he thoroughly enjoyed it and that our data worked well.

    Big Diablo Loop Route Guide.

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