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Welcome to Flash Reviews, a new column at Backpacking Light.

Flash Reviews will feature short, introductory reviews of selected products that may be new on the market, have not yet received "official" press at, or may be just outside the scope of our core product review program to warrant a full review.

This column will allow us to feature more gear than ever before in a unique context - actual user experience from a wide variety of authors. The source of the gear may come from different places - the gear may have been submitted for review by a manufacturer (either solicited or unsolicited) or purchased by the author. In any case, you'll get our honest and sometimes frank opinions about how this gear works for us.

Flash Reviews, in all cases, will represent gear that is new to the author writing the column issue. Our hope is that the author could provide their fresh perspective on gear that is new to them, and review it in the context of their kit, how that new gear might find a place in their kit, and what the new gear might replace for them.

We hope this column provides value and interest to the reader, so please leave your feedback in the forum below as we allow you to help us evolve this column.

If you are interested in writing a Flash Reviews column, please submit your proposal via our Story Submission Form.


  • What are "Flash Reviews?"
  • Issue No. 2
    • Deuce of Spades
    • Helinox Ground Chair
    • Vargo Titanium Pot Lifter vs. MSR LiteLifter

# WORDS: 1220

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