McHale Alpine Packs
Backpacking Light Staff Picks: Our Favorite Gear
Our staff selects their favorite hiking, backpacking, and other backcountry gear that they’ve used over the past year – the next edition of our infamous Staff Picks!
DetailsDan McHale LBP 40
I am 5’6″ tall, weigh 215, 38 inch waist I paid $1,200 – please make a reasonable offer I can send more pics if interested LBP 40 Kangaroo Pocket P&G…
DetailsMchales backpack , Aiguille Alpine Tundra backpack.
Want to buy Mchales backpack, Inex Alpineer or SARC(1,2) preferably, but merkes and lbp’s interest me too. Als
DetailsFS: McHale Critical Mass Custom 105L
I know this isn’t totally the audience for this, but given Ryan’s love for McHale and how many people seem to share that love here — figured I would give…
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