Bearpaw Wilderness Designs
Bear Paw Custom Walled Net Tent 2p
I’m selling a new, never-used Bear Paw Custom Walled Net Tent 2p with custom specs. It’s a trekking-pole-supported mesh tent, nice for stargazing on buggy clear nights, or for use…
DetailsBPWD La Garita 2, SilPoly, CLOSED
I cannot in good conscience turn this over to anyone so the ad has been pulled. Played with it again today. Has issues. Poor quality on multiple levels. I was…
DetailsBPWD 8.5×8.5 DCF flat tarp – SOLD
* SOLD * Greetings. Bear Paw Wilderness Designs. My first dabble with DCF. Used in the field for a handful of nights. Pitched in the yard a coupla hundred times….
DetailsBear Paw .75 oz dyneema pyratent
I have a bear paw .74 oz Dyneema PyraTen for sale. Only used 10 nights, great condition. Comes with tent, guylines and center poll. cleaning out gear i dont use…
DetailsBearpaw Wilderness Designs Lair 1 w/ beak, and BPWD Pyranet 1
Very versatile 28.5 oz. shelter system. Fully functional. Pole and stakes not included. Beak buckles are smaller than buckles on Lair 1. The beak includes a hook and stake loops…
DetailsBear paw .75 oz dyneema pyraten
I have a bear paw .74 oz Dyneema PyraTen for sale. Only used 10 nights, great condition. Comes with tent, guylines and center poll. Dm me with questions please. $400…
DetailsBearPaw Bearden 1 w/ ‘beaks’ and poles
A pole-or-trekking-pole single person shelter in silnylon. Comes with two poles. Priced low at $150 just to get it to someone who may use it – I’m too tall for…
DetailsInner Net Tent for Solomid or Cricket or similar pyramid
This is an inner with 30D silnylon floor made by BPWD. Very similar to MLD inner except the zipper is one size up- a #5 I think. Quality is good….
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