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OMM is a British company that has been hosting adventure races since 1968, hence the name OMM, which stands for the Original Mountain Marathon. OMM also makes a full line of adventure racing gear and clothing, tailored towards that activity and the weather conditions typical in the UK: cool, wet, and windy. The products are equally appropriate for runners and ultralight backpackers, even though OMM designed them with adventure racers in mind.

OMM created the Kamleika shells to handle rain and wind at a minimal weight. OMM calls these their waterproof breathable soft shells, due to the soft, stretchy nature of the Gelanots fabric. The fabric alone makes the shells stand out, but our testing shows that these shells are well designed racing suits.


  • Introduction
  • Specifications
  • Description
  • Performance
  • Assessment
    • Acknowledgement

# WORDS: 2370
# PHOTOS: 14

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