How the average hiker or backpacker can add multi-day ski trips to their repertoire of backcountry travel
- For the novices to people with some Nordic (XC) ski experience
- Most efficient method for skiing in rolling terrain with little avalanche hazard
- Lighter and less expensive gear
- Inspire you to start exploring the backcountry on skis!
- Help you understand that skiing is the most elegant method of snow travel— faster and more efficient than snowshoes!
- Help you appreciate the main purpose of BC skiing: to safely experience the splendor of the winter landscape. And you get to enjoy it in near solitude—away from the craze of summer crowds.
Multi-day backcountry ski strips are within the ability of the average backpacker. With the right equipment and the right terrain, it can be as easy and pleasant as a summer backpacking trip. Skiing is the most elegant and efficient way to get from point A to point B in the snow. And there is absolutely no requirement that you hurtle down precipitously steep slopes (a common misconception of backcountry skiing).
- Part 1: Basic Nordic Backcountry Skiing
- Part 2: Advanced Nordic - Ski Mountaineering on UL Tele Gear
- Part 1: Basic Nordic Back Country skiing
- Explanation of Nordic, AT (Alpine Touring), and Tele (Telemark) Ski Equipment
- Nordic Touring Skis
- Nordic Backcountry Skis
- Alpine Touring (AT) and Telemark (Tele) Skis
- Other Considerations for BC Skiing
- Backcountry Ski Width Considerations
- Integration of your ski kit with your other winter backpacking gear
- Summary for Part 1: Basic Nordic BC skiing
- Explanation of Nordic, AT (Alpine Touring), and Tele (Telemark) Ski Equipment
# WORDS: 4540
# PHOTOS: 15
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