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GoLite has revised its UltraLite frameless backpack line for spring 2010. The Ion pack was replaced by the new Peak, and the Jam (no longer the Jam 2) and Pinnacle have received a few upgrades.

The Peak pack (which is the focus of this review) was a new model for spring 2010. Its specified 2200 cubic inch (36 L, size Medium) volume is on the small side, even for ultralight backpacking. It has the same volume as the Gossamer Gear Murmur pack (7.9 ounces/224 g), which is considered a super-ultralight backpack for hikers who carry an extremely low base weight and low volume. So, is the Peak a day pack, a capable ultralight backpack, or both?


  • Introduction
  • Description
  • Specifications
  • Performance
  • Assessment
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Recommendations For Improvement

# WORDS: 2100
# PHOTOS: 11

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