
Going Home

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable Going Home

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  • #3734970
    Ben Kilbourne
    BPL Member


    Locale: Utah

    Companion forum thread to: Going Home

    The transitions from the simple discomfort of the trail to the chaotic comfort of life at home happen by degrees. What can I learn from the trail that will allow me to experience home life in a new way?

    Kurt Odendahl
    BPL Member


    Locale: Tallgrass prairie

    Great article Ben…keep them coming. It is a weird transition when I come out of an awesome adventure back into the “real” world. Sadly it doesn’t take long to adjust. I seldom get to locations as isolated as your Grand Canyon trip. Makes me jealous…

    Paul Wagner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wine Country

    Too many choices in everyday life. That’s why trail life is so relaxing!

    Scot M
    BPL Member


    Hey Ben, I just recently became a member here and I gotta say your articles and essays are becoming something I look forward to.  I definitely enjoy your thoughtful and considered words.

    Cheers, Scot

    Ben Kilbourne
    BPL Member


    Locale: Utah

    Kurt, Thanks for the appreciation comment; it means a lot!

    Paul, Exactly!

    Scot, Thanks to you as well for the appreciation comment. I’ll keep writing about my experiences of walking around in the world!

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