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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique LEAVE NO TRACE

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  • #2144063
    BPL Member


    "And would be nice if they march her in chains out to every one of those paintings and make her remove them with toothpicks… one mm at a time."

    Oh come on now.

    Mobile Calculator


    Billy Ray


    Locale: the mountains

    "Oh come on now."

    What? too lenient?

    Perhaps then we could sell her to ISIS ?
    (after the cuffs and chains and toothpicks)


    BPL Member


    Ah the voice of reason in all its glory.

    My vote is death by Rosie O'Donnell. If Rosie is unavailable, then death by Nickelback.

    I know. Cruel and unusual but the message needs to get out that this stuff is unacceptable.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    my vote is death by Elisabeth Hasselbeck

    Billy Ray


    Locale: the mountains

    er… how about death by political ads ???



    "Execute her."

    Hear, hear. Stoning is the appropriate punishment for defacing stones.

    After she finishes cleaning them up, of course.

    Billy Ray


    Locale: the mountains

    It was no doubt at least partly the fault of her upbringing.
    Her parents should be punished as well.


    BPL Member


    It takes a village to raise a village idiot.

    Ebola to her zip code.

    BPL Member


    That made me laugh Ian :)

    Billy here might not be satisfied until he sees a public caning.

    Marko Botsaris
    BPL Member


    Locale: Santa Cruz Mountains, CA

    Recently while in a local park, an analogy came to me that seemed to crystallize why I get so uppity about people who leave TP in the wilderness. Let me just say that if you really are one of the few that DO bury it very thoroughly (8+ inches) and even "pre-decompose" it by careful burning then possibly this IS the actual best way – in the end probably better than used TP being trucked to the dump down stream where it will probably be near the surface, though at least away from the pristine wilderness. But that is not what the majority of people who leave TP do.

    No, my issue is with people who don't do it simply because they think it is "gross". It drives me crazy both because the irony (its gross for me, so I make it gross for the next person who comes along), and because this type of reasoning (or a related species thereof) is the number one reason people use to justify trash in the wilderness – it is gross/inconvenient/troublesome/heavy for me, therefore I don't do it. Who cares about other people.

    So…the analogy that came to me is that I feel exactly the same about this as I do about the person who walks their dog in the suburban park (that also doubles as baseball/soccer fields), lets their dog shit in the field, and then doesn't remove it afterwards (as is posted at the entrance) because it is gross. Its also gross for the kids playing soccer later that afternoon and everyone else using the fields, in spite of the fact that it probably is "good" for the grass/environment.

    I doubt that this analogy will change people's mind's about the perennial "TP – to pack or not to pack out" question, but it just occurred to me that this analogy was appropriate. Most us us understand that the dog owner that views any plot of lawn as a public restroom for their dog, but thinks it is too "gross" to clean up afterwards is someone who deserves to get publicly ragged on.

    I don't get the semantic debate by some above about LNT being an absolute unattainable commandment. I always got that it was an ideal, like "brush twice a day", or "do not covet thy neighbor's wife" and so on. If you keep the ideal in mind you will do a much better job of stewardship – maybe even to the point of cleaning up stuff other people left. Like the lady with the dog in the park, there are 1001 justification for NOT doing it, but the ideal will keep you trying. Exception do occur, like extreme doggy diarrhea, that make it impossible to comply, but if the ideal is forefront it helps to combat the natural tendency for people to do what is convenient short term, then make up the justification – and sometimes whole schools of thought – after the fact.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California


    But you have to realize that most people are…, well you know me, I am a curmudgeon.

    You know those little doggie poop bags that are made available at some parks? They can be purchased for pretty cheap in quantity Amazon. I have a box of them at home, one in my truck, and one in my camper.

    But your (and my) ranting won't help. It is the de-evolution of mankind in all aspects of life. We are doomed to life on a pile of crap with or without dogs.


    Marko Botsaris
    BPL Member


    Locale: Santa Cruz Mountains, CA

    Thanks Nick – it is a great comfort to know there is a least one person more misanthropic that I am. ;-)



    Locale: The Cascades

    "Thanks Nick – it is a great comfort to know there is a least one person more misanthropic that I am. ;-)"


    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    Dog Poop! I had to look that word up. I have added it to my vocabulary.

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    > We are doomed to life on a pile of crap
    Sigh – back to poluticians again…


    Randy Nelson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Rockies

    " in spite of the fact that it probably is "good" for the grass/environment."

    It's not. Their diet is too high in protein. Even if did make good fertilizer, it's still gross to leave it sitting around in a park.

    BPL Member


    So many of you chimed in on this and that's a good thing.
    I like the old saying, "Take nothing but pictures…Leave nothing but footprints".
    That about sums it up in a nutshell for me, LNT.
    I am glad that it is promoted and I do think everyone should be aware of LNT and consequences.


    "it is a great comfort to know there is a least one person more misanthropic that I am."

    Make that two, OK then, three, since Doug beat me to the enter key, with the exception of a relatively small number of people who have proven themselves responsible. Nick articulated the general state of humanity quite well, so I'll leave it at that.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    Okay, I admit I had to look up misanthropy in the dictionary. But poluticians isn't in my dictionary. What does it mean? Must be an Aussie word.

    BPL Member


    A politician that pushed for fluorescent light bulbs?


    Marko, have you ever noticed the following pattern? You don't post a whole lot, but when you do, you're often complaining about others pretty loudly and strongly.

    At some point, the wiser and more pragmatic course of action is to take responsibility for the unhappiness in yourself and your life, and stop fault finding others and focusing on others lacks and issues. If you focus more on self and improving self by becoming more tolerant, kind, loving, positive etc, you'll eventually become a lot happier and at peace. Once that happens, it will be reflected in your interactions with others.

    I know you don't particularly like me, and probably won't take the above the way i meant it (out of goodwill and wanting to see you happy), but it seemed needed to be said.

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    "At some point, the wiser and more pragmatic course of action is to take responsibility for the unhappiness in yourself and your life, …."

    yatta yatta yatta

    Oh give me a break…

    BPL Member


    In Panama, the monkeys would poop in their hands and throw them at soldiers on patrol. One of my buddies from my platoon smelled like monkey $%!+ for a few days. Not kidding.

    Which leads me to my new idea on how to poop in the woods in a way that ensures the evidence is nowhere near the trail….


    "Oh give me a break…"

    I can give you about a gazillion, but after that i may have to charge.

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