
24 Hours: Packrafting the Grande Ronde River

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable 24 Hours: Packrafting the Grande Ronde River

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  • #1926243
    Brandon Vidrine



    What backpack is that? HMG porter? Also, who made the tarp? Finally, what model pack raft is that?


    Michael Schwartz
    BPL Member


    Locale: PA & Ireland

    Great vid, and glad to see another 24 adventure. The "Done in 24" is a great idea that shows what's possible with some planning and imagination. Inspiring.

    a b


    Really enjoyed this video.
    The packraft is very much on my mind these days.
    I want to incorporate one for my next long distance hike in some way and seeing it in action is inspiring.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Michael Cheifetz
    BPL Member


    Locale: Israel

    Im not a packrafter and wil prob never be (no rivers here to practice on :) but this was a great atmosphere piece that combined good looking vid and edit, nice commentary, gripping story and just a tad of gear. I loved it


    Warren Greer


    Locale: SoCal

    Great concept and excellent execution. Ryan, like so many others have said, well written story with a great video that takes us along and gets us stoked. Keep up the quality and interaction. They are what makes this more than just a web site.

    Elliott Hollander
    BPL Member


    Locale: Georgia

    Anyone figure out which model Alpacka this is??

Viewing 6 posts - 26 through 31 (of 31 total)
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