
What magazines do you all subscribe to?

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    Andrew Richardson


    Locale: North East

    Hey all,

    I'm curious as to what kinds of magazines you all subscribe to. Obviously BPL will be popular, but what others? Any other outdoor magazines you enjoy?

    I love National Georgraphic myself! Though it isn't on outdoor technique or the like, it certainly inspires me to get out there and see things!

    Steve .


    Locale: Tralfamadore

    I read three:
    – BPL online
    – National Georgraphic (hand me down subscription)
    – Arizona Highways (hand me down subscription)

    I subscribed to the Economist for world events but got to the point where I didn't make the time to read it cover to cover so I stopped. Really good articles and funny comments, e.g. "the only thing Newt Gingrich and his sister have in common is the need for a more flattering haircut."

    John S.
    BPL Member


    None, because I'm tired of paper in my house. I'd rather stay digital with my reading. I only get the work related journal(s).

    Adam Rothermich
    BPL Member


    Locale: Rockies

    I don't get any print magazines anymore. I used to get Sports Illustrated and Missouri Conservationist. I slowly stopped reading them and let the subscriptions lapse. The only thing I subscribe to anymore is BPL. I prefer to read my articles online because my place gets cluttered too easily. Even the magazines that come with orders from REI, Campmor, et al, lay around here forever before I finally get rid of them. I prefer to read articles online anyway, since I spend a lot of my day in front of a computer. Its much more convenient for me.


    Doug Johnson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Mountain Bike Action
    National Geographic Adventure

    Too many, really. But I don't get the paper!

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    the Women's one that is slipping my mind
    Washington Trail Association's magazine

    and whatever catches my eyes at Fry's…when I am waiting for my husband!

    I need to sub up to BPL.

    Donald Segretti


    The Economist
    Sports Illustrated
    Consumer Reports
    Playboy (for the articles)
    American Rifleman
    New American
    The Liberal

    Theodore Hall


    American Rifleman
    local paper

    The last 2 are new subscriptions. From this week. I guess I over empathize with college age kids saying they need money for school. I think I've been able to force down a case of ramen since I got out of school many moons ago. I really hope I can renew my taste for the stuff prior to my thru hike.

    Andrew Richardson


    Locale: North East

    How do those of you that subscribe to backpacker enjoy it? I've heard that it isn't always the best information…Do you all find it a nice magazine to read? Are the articles of any worth besides being entertaining?

    Kyle Rosenberger


    Locale: Greater Yellowstone

    Not a big fan of backpacker. Some articles are interesting but some of it seems lame. They occasionally review so called UL gear but I think their testers and editors still can't get into the UL thing they always seem to want to carry 1.5 LB self inflating pads for so called UL tests. And want to bring piles and piles of gear with them. This may interest some bt not me.

    Shahrin Bin Shariff
    BPL Member


    Locale: In the shadow of Table Mountain

    No paper subscription now.
    All online.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Wooden Boat
    TGO (Scotland)
    Pacific Crest Trail Communicator
    Still pick up a Backpacker once in a great while, but pan it most of the time.

    P. P.


    Locale: PNW

    I hadn't planned to answer, but based on the answers thus far, okay.
    Sea Kayaker
    National Geograhic Adventurer

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    With AIM buying BP from Rodale there has been a noticable shift – and it has been good.
    I quit reading it for nearly 3 years, and in the past months have started reading it again. And enjoying it!

    Btw, as for magazines….well, I forgot to add that we usually use our airline miles for free magazines. I have like 20 magazines coming currently, plus the Wall St. Journal 6 days a wekk…for free. I read them all, and ya know, I actually am learning something from the Journal. Like how many 4 million dollar ranches are for sale in WY ;-) Hehheh!!

    Tom Clark
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Coast

    I've been listening to the TGO podcasts and followed the TGO Challange. How is the TGO magazine?

    I used to subscribe to Backpacker, but got discouraged. However, I'm still tempted occasionally when I'm at the airport.

    Backpacker (occasionally)

    Denis Hazlewood
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Wooden Boat
    TGO (From Scotland)
    New Yorker
    Lens Works

    Robert Devereux


    Locale: Pittsburgh, PA

    National Geographic Adventure
    Men's Journal

    I occasionally pick up issues of Outside or Wend, depending on the contents of the issue.

    I didn't enjoy Backpacker. I always wanted more depth out of the articles. That's a problem I have with most magazines, but at least Men's Journal and Outside give me a bit of the depth I want, mixed in with the lighter pieces.

    When I was packpacking in Australia, I picked up The Economist every week when I was in a town. It was a great way to keep up with the news. Now that I'm in front a computer all day, I get news online so I stopped getting The Economist.

    John Mowery


    Locale: Minnesota, USA

    High Country News – excellent environmental news

    larry savage


    Locale: pacific northwest

    bpl, backpacker, climb[uk], alpinist, climbing, rock and ice, velo news, fingerstyle guitar, esquire, imagine fx[uk], guitar technique[uk],justapoz,trail runner, funny times, road, dirt rag, dirty linen ….aren't cha glad you asked.

    BPL Member


    Locale: PNW

    I've switched almost entirely to quarterlies only. For one, they come less often so less wasted paper, but in addition the content seems to be of higher quality. So…

    2600 Quarterly
    Make Magazine
    Archeology Magazine

    anything else I require to have an online edition.

    J Her


    Locale: Mid-Atlantic

    Trail Runner
    American Rifleman (NRA)

    I also pick up at the newstand on occasion:
    Land Rover Monthly or Land Rover Enthusiast
    Runner's World

    Don Wilson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Koyukuk River, Alaska

    I subscribe to Alpinist – a superb mag in my opinion. Incredible photos, good stories, captures the essence of climbing. Everything a good mag should be. It's quarterly.

    Christopher Plesko


    Locale: Rocky Mountains

    Yes Alpinist rules. It's by far the best magazine I read on any regular basis.

    Sam Haraldson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gallatin Range

    I just saw Issue 22 on the shelf at the climbing shop yesterday. I've only been an Alpinist reader for about the past year but the opinion I've formed is that it is a superb magazine worth of reading cover to cover every month.

    Jim Cook


    Locale: Land of Cotton

    None. I do all my reading online. I used to subscribe to Backpacker but it got really fruity since Dorn took over. Way too much paper devoted to articles about some odd outdoor character or a 12-page spread of photos of animals and their rear-ends. Not much by way of destinations, reviews, techniques, recipes or usable information. Dropped my subscription, haven't missed it in over three years.

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