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Ultralight gear is for anglers too, not just fast-packers. Most backpackers who fish do so as a sideline diversion or to supplement their dry foods. But a segment of ultralight aficionados primarily backpack because it gets them into some little fished and beautiful angling waters. Fly fishing is my primary focus rather than trekking, sightseeing, mountain climbing, float trips or tree hugging. I plan my hikes and floats around attractive fishing spots and just enjoy the rest as it comes.

I have developed a system for making sure I have the right fishing gear with me when I reach my destination without being overloaded. Lightweight gear helps me get there more quickly and with enough energy left to fish and search waterways. As with any lightweight backpacking system, I try to whittle down the weight of my fishing items and make my gear as multi-use as possible. Although the weight of my pack fully loaded isn't always ultralight, ultralight philosophies and gear keep my pack weight down. I can afford a few fishing or photography luxuries and still be carrying a light enough pack that I can hike easily and quickly.


  • Versatile Waders and Accessories
  • Backpacking Watercraft
  • Other Equipment
  • Fishing Tackle
  • Fish as Food
  • Conclusion

# WORDS: 3500

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