Episode 54 | Foot Injuries, Training, and Rehabilitation for Hikers with John Zombro
Episode Summary
Physical therapist and athletic performance coach John Zombro chats with Ryan and Andrew about foot injuries, training strategies, and rehabilitation in the context of hiking and long-distance backpacking.
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In this episode of the backpacking Light Podcast, we interview physical therapist and athletic performance coach John Zombro about foot health, footwear, injuries, rehabilitation, training, and more.
Also in this episode: shoes we are looking at in 2022, updates on the Backpacking Light Member Q and A series, and our favorite things we’ve published lately!
- What’s new with the Backpacking Light crew?
- Why is Training for the Uphill Athlete a book worth reading?
- How can WHOOP straps help you track your diet?
- Who is John Zombro?
- What is plantar fasciitis?
- What’s the difference between supination and pronation?
- How can minimalist footwear help with plantar fasciitis?
- What’s the minimum effective dose of foot training to allow for minimalist footwear?
- Is there an advantage to weight training barefoot?
- How to fix plantar fasciitis?
- What is metatarsal strain?
- Is there any way to train metatarsal soft tissue?
- How much protein should athletes eat per day?
- Why is eating well on trail important?
- How can I fix a metatarsal strain?
- What is a sprained ankle?
- When should I ice an injury?
- What are the mechanics of an ankle sprain?
- Should I wear an ankle brace or knee brace?
- Do over-ankle shoes protect the ankle?
- How can lateral training improve hiking strength?
- What is a stress fracture?
- What are the most common locations for stress fractures?
- How does ground reaction force affect hiking injuries?
- Should I wear thick shoes while backpacking?
- How can I train for posterior chain health?
- What can I do to keep my feet strong?
- What shoes are we looking into at Backpacking Light this year?
- What’s a good zero-drop winter boot?
- When is a good time to wear sandals while backpacking?
- What’s new at Backpacking Light?
- Training for the Uphill Athlete
- Training for the New Alpinism
- WHOOP straps
- The Lifetime Athlete website
- Xero Shoes
- Find John Zombro at his website or on Instagram
- Astral Pisgah MS
- Xero Shoes Alpine
- Bedrock Sandals Cairn PRO II Adventure Sandals
- BatteryBench: A Protocol for Testing Portable Battery Chargers and Electronic Devices for Backpacking
- don’t miss our next Members Only Q & A – Base Layers, Wicking, and Backpacking
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- Executive Producer - Backpacking Light; Show Director and Host - Ryan Jordan; Producer - Chase Jordan; Theme music: Look for Me in the Mountains written by Chris Cunninghamย and Ryan Jordan, performed by Chris Cunningham (acoustic guitar, lead and harmony vocals, harmonica), Chad Langfordย (upright bass), and Tom Murphyย (mandolin), produced by Basecamp Studiosย in Bozeman, Montana.
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