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Komperdell C2 Carbon Tour Duolock Trekking Pole REVIEW
Two-section carbon poles that are very light weight, adjust for different size users, and perform great in the backcountry.
Alpkit Carbonlite Trekking Pole REVIEW
Stiff, lightweight, and reasonably priced, the Alpkit Carbonlite poles are the carbon trekking pole value leaders. How did they stand up to months of abuse?
New Balance 872 Off Road Trail Shoe SPOTLITE REVIEW
A superb shoe for ultralight backpacking on-trail. Off-trail, they performed exceptionally well, except for one weakness.
Tarptent Contrail (Sneak Preview) SPOTLITE REVIEW
Tarptent returns to its roots with a new fast and light bivy-weight 1-person tent.
SuperUltraLight Favorites Gear List 2006
Taking a summer, long weekend backpacking trip carrying only 10 pounds on your back is easy, comfortable, and safe with the right gear. Here’s a list of the Backpacking Light editors' favorite SUL gear.
Make Your Own Gear: Five Yards to SuperUltraLight
Part 1, Introduction
Not for the frail at heart, in this article we dive into making a SUL tarp, pack, and stuff sack out of a single 5-yard piece of spinnaker fabric.
John Muir Trail (JMT) Record Attempt – Unsupported, Without Resupply
BPL subscriber, Al Shaver, will attempt to break the JMT speed record for an unsupported hike without resupply. He starts on the full moon, September 7th.
Stoves, Tents and Carbon Monoxide – Deadly or not?
Part 1: Theory
You've read the warnings and heard the horror stories about cooking in your tent. How dangerous is it really? Part 1 of this series describes: how CO is formed, a warning sign of production, and a simple change you can make to your stove setup to reduce CO.
Make Your Own Gear: Multi-Pad-Ground-Sheet Integration System
Complete step-by-step instructions on how to size, cut and glue a tidy sleeping pad system.
Primus Gravity MF Stove REVIEW
Innovative multi-fuel stove for canisters, white gas and kerosene that performs well with canister fuel but is difficult to use with the other fuels.
Coleman Fyrestorm Ti Stove REVIEW
Innovative dual-fuel stove for canisters and white gas and variants that works very well with canister fuel and reasonably well with white gas.
Integral Designs eVENT Crysallis (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
Looking for a bivy sack made out of eVENT fabric? Take your pick at Integral Designs.
Apparel Trends and Highlights
Trends and highlights in lightweight apparel from Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006.
Outdoor Research MicroNight Bivy (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
Outdoor Research unveils an 18 ounce, fully-featured waterproof bivy sack.
Night Ize Figure 9 Rope Tightener (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
Nite Ize rescues the knot challenged among us with their Figure 9 Rope Tightener.
In the Chaos: The craziness That is OR (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
Exciting, awesome, exhausting, intense, and hectic are just some adjectives that describe the chaos of OR.
Sleeping Bag Overview (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
Sleeping Bags continue to drop weight with new materials and construction techniques.
Kelty’s New Lightweight Backpack Line
Serious lightweight backpacks from Kelty.
Kahtoola Flight Snow Travel System is Now Available (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
Kahtoola, the traction people, were at summer OR to show their latest refinements to their Flight Snow travel system, so we dropped by to check them out.
NEMO Finds eVENT Replacement for Tents (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
NEMO claims to have found an eVENT replacement for their waterproof breathable tents
A One-Person Tent as Light as a Bivy From Big Sky International (Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2006)
One-person, single-wall, free-standing, breathable fabric, 28 ounces.