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In Part 1, I proposed some important benefits to backcountry winter travel in general, and show living in a dry cabin more specifically.

In Part 2, I'd like to discuss some strategies that a lightweight-minded hiker might employ to maximize their enjoyment of what I affectionately refer to as "winter cabineering" - a backcountry trip where a dry cabin takes the place of your normal shelter.

Consider this article a case study in cabineering. It reflects empirical observations based on my own experience, and equipment choices and style based on my own preferences. Please share your thoughts based on your styles in the forums at the end of the article.


  • Introduction
  • What's Unique About Winter Cabineering?
  • The Protection of a Cabin
  • What is the Temperature Inside a Dry Cabin?
  • Choosing Insulation for Dry Cabin Camping: Shelter, Sleep System, and Clothing
  • Wood Stove Cooking and the Seed Kettle
  • Accessories for Winter Cabineering
  • Summary

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