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The Tarptent Squall 2 is an update of the popular Squall single wall tent. It offers full weather and bug protection in a lightweight 2 pound package. It features a floating bathtub floor that keeps the sleeping area dry while taking tension off the fabric, increasing floor durability and waterproofing. The doorway can be set up with single or dual poles, the dual pole pitch giving better entrance access and wind stability. The Squall 2 can be set up with only four stakes in just a few minutes and has simple adjusters for easy tensioning. However, it is more complex than the original and not all the design changes are perfect. How does the Squall 2 stand up to the original design?


  • Introduction
  • Specifications: Year/Model, Style , Fabrics, Pole Material, Weight Full Package, Weight Manufacturer Minimum , Weight BPL Minimum, Area, Area to BPL Minimum Weight Ratio, Dimensions, MSRP, Options
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Performance
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations for Improvement

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