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"The fun was about to begin. We unpacked on the
gravel bar and changed into our paddling gear. Then we inflated our packrafts
and waded out into the river to start...Our less-than-four-pound
packrafts were well worth their weight - they turned what would have been a
miserable walk into a pleasant float. The class I-II Placer River moved fast
enough to get us to our car in about 90 minutes. And the three-foot waterfall
near the end of the trip splashed enough glacier water into our laps to keep us
awake for the drive home."
Welcome to the world of backcountry wilderness Packrafting!With contributions by Jim Jager and Sheri Tingey, two of the world's foremost wilderness packraft experts, enjoy stunning photography from the Alaskan wilderness as they introduce you to the sport of backcountry river running - ultralight style!
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