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When you're packing trekking poles, paddles, tripods, and ice axes, and then letting airport personnel toss them around, you learn to appreciate the durability of a good travel bag.

I use one bag to hold everything, and I make sure it's absolutely waterproof, in case I ever have to lash it to a llama in Peru (admittedly, this doesn't happen often). I've used waterproof duffels from The North Face, Patagonia, and Wild Things for years, and am partial to those with backpack straps. My duffel is BIG - 100L+ - so I can store an expedition's worth of gear in it. Think ballistics nylon, #10 zips, and not a lot of strappy things to catch. This is the one heavy piece of gear you're allowed!

Why soft sided? Less parts to break, less stress on zippers, and it packs better on the luggage racks of second- (and third)-world mass transit.


  • 1. Invest in a durable soft sided travel bag.
  • 2. Clothes for All Conditions
  • 3. Hygiene
  • 4. T-S-A and FedEx
  • 5. Adventure Boating
  • 6. Adventure Fishing
  • 7. The Carry On Bag
  • Conclusion

# WORDS: 1130

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