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  • Base: 9 feet square
  • Height: 61.25 inches
  • Tent Weight: 22 ounces
  • Tent Material: silnylon
  • Pole Weight: 7.5 ounces
  • Stake Weight: 2 ounces (for 6)
  • Sleeps: Two people, four people in a pinch
  • Cost: $90

To set up the tent, stake out the four corners, pulling the fabric fairly tightly and making sure the base is perfectly square. The webbing tent stake loops should be adjusted to about half their maximum length. Open the door and put in the pole, then close the door and tighten the webbing loops at the four corners. If the base isn't perfectly square, two of the four ridges will droop - adjust the location of two of the stakes a little to fix this.

The bottom of the pole is just tubular aluminum, so it tends to drill down into the ground. I take a pine cone or flat rock and stick it under the pole to keep this from happening. I usually set up the tent with the pole on the ground, tighten the four corners, then lift the bottom of the pole onto the pine cone or flat rock which makes the tent more taut. Also, if condensation seems imminent and it's not too windy and rainy, I put in a thicker rock or piece of wood to raise the pole higher, and thus increase the air gap around the perimeter, which increases air flow.

This tent really shines when it's raining (you might say it's the only thing shining!). I pack the tent on top of my pack, with tent stakes, and the poles are on the outside of the pack so I can get to all of this without any rain getting inside the pack. I quickly erect the tent and throw the pack and me inside, out of the rain. There's plenty of room to spread out my sleeping bag, to store my pack and other stuff, for me to crouch or sit, and to run my canister stove. Another person would fit for all this activity, but any more and it's wall-to-wall sleeping bags.

If it's not very windy, I'll leave the door open to minimize condensation. The walls are steep, so any condensation will drip down the walls inside. There's a big enough volume inside that I can avoid touching the inside walls and getting any condensation on me.

If it's windy I'll close the door all the way and sleep with confidence. The four corners are firmly held to the ground because the tent stake loops are short. The angled sides and narrow peak of this pyramid tent shed wind fairly well. If the door is closed, the wind direction can change and it doesn't matter.


  • Floorless Tent Specifications
  • Design Considerations
    • Hoop vs. Pyramid
    • Tent Stakes and Stake Loops
    • Floors
  • Detailed Directions
  • Cutting in the Catenary Curve
  • Sewing
  • Conclusion

# WORDS: 4610
# PHOTOS: 20

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