
When the pack weight is on you… finding a backpack for the hefty amongst us.

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Home Forums Gear Forums Gear (General) When the pack weight is on you… finding a backpack for the hefty amongst us.

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    Mati J
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    The journey to finding a backpack that fits my unfortunately hefty frame was long, frustrating and tedious. It was also an education in what works and what doesn’t for big people, or more correctly, big men, like me. I’m 5’11” and 230lbs if you want to keep track. While I applaud the efforts of many companies both large and cottage that are trying to address this issue (Osprey, Granite Gear, ULA, Six Moon Designs, and Z Packs among them) few of them have gotten it right. I tried em all, almost, both those that were had adjustable options for big people and those that didn’t. Of the ones with options I remember trying on the Granite Gear Crown 60, ULA Circuit, Osprey Exo, and Six Moon Design Swift X. I even tried the Zerk 40 because of the running style vest but the vest didn’t accommodate my burly chest.


    Offering an XL hip-belt and calling it a day doesn’t work. Beer belly’s and big chests often go hand in hand. You can’t address one without the other if you really want to tap into the big people market. So, along with a larger hip-belt like the adjustable one’s offered by Granite Gear (brilliant) companies also need to make shoulder harnesses that work for the larger chested amongst us. Both regular and J shaped straps don’t work even when they come in longer sizes. Inevitably, they find their way into my arm pits no matter how long they are and nothing is more of a buzz kill than shoulder straps spending their work day living way up your arm pits.


    It isn’t a fitting issue. I had this problem when I was fitted at REI, Nomad Ventures (a plug for the latter–a great SoCal institution) and SMD. This may not be a problem for every hefty guy, but it was consistently a problem for me after trying on pack after pack after pack. What worked was the combination of a larger hip belt AND a running vest style shoulder harness. Six Moon Designs offers just that combination in many of their packs. I travelled to the outskirts of Portland, OR (on my way to British Columbia) to try one on and, hopefully, buy one, which I did, the Swift X Backpack. The pack is insanely comfortable though a bit on the heavy side. I have other issues with it but I’ll save that for another post.


    So, for the hefty among us, what has been your journey? What packs have worked for you and why? What packs haven’t and why? And it goes without saying that works for a big guy might not work for a big gal.

    Ken Larson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Western Michigan

    Check out Dan McHale Custom Ultralight Fitted Packs. You pay for the custom fitting, design, but in the end you get a pack that fits you comfortably and a design you select for the application you want it to serve.

    Ben Perry
    BPL Member


    I’m about the same height and weight as the OP. After experimenting with a number of off-the-shelf packs from Osprey, Gregory and the like, ULA was the end of my journey. Call them, explain your past frustrations, and follow their recommendations for combinations and/or custom modifications. Awesome products and services.

    That said, they don’t (to my knowledge) offer a chest harness option, so if your personal preference/needs run in that direction you’ll be looking elsewhere. The Swift X looks great.

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