New to winter camping. Bought a single wall tepee for hot tenting as well as regular winter tenting without a stove. Wondering what tent stakes work best in winter assuming the ground will for surely be frozen but not sure if there will be snow or not?
I would assume if there is snow, i can just make some deadmen with branches or whatnot. Are needle style stakes sufficient and can be easily pounded into frozen earth?
I emailed Dave and Amy Freeman a while ago with the same question (they did a year long trip in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota…it gets cold there in the winter)…They used an 8 man Seek Outside tipi and used titanium nail stakes. He said they worked well in frozen ground.
Unfortunately I accidentally deleted his email back to me, but I think he also said that they tied extra cordage loops onto the already existing loops to make them easier to find and pull out.
Aluminium will bond to ice overnight. Then you have the devil of a problem getting Al stakes out in the morning and getting the ice off them for packing. Plus, they bend easily while you are either (or both) trying to get them into frozen ground or back out.
I tie long silnylon streamers to my Ti snow pegs so I can see them in the morning. That helps, weighs ~0 g.
(The yellow string is waxed Spectra fishing line, 200 lb?. The Al pop-rivets prevent fraying on the edges of the holes, which has happened! The Ti loop-hook is for the guy rope.)
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