
Hiking into a Catskill Blizzard

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Home Forums General Forums Winter Hiking Hiking into a Catskill Blizzard

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  • #3742969
    BPL Member


    So tonight after work I am leaving the city and heading up to Catskills. Should be at trailhead 9 pm ish. We will hike up Southern side of Balsam Lake Mountain (3,730 ft.) The storm is expected to hit after 1 am.. as of now the winter storm warning forcast is calling for up to a foot of snow with 55 + mph winds and temperatures to hit low single digits with windchill -25°F. Our plan is simple ( i think), night hike 2.2 miles to the lean to which is just about at 3500 ft. Make camp and hunker down there to ride out this storm. Technically we not supposed to pitch tent in the lean to, however.. if it is unoccupied we may decide to pitch our 1p tents in there for added protection, along with eVent bivies. If someone shows up at any point it would be easy to take it down and pitch it outside or whatever.. but I am betting no one will roll in if they not already there when we get there near 11 pm. I have all the gear needed for this and I have ridden out winter storms in the past, as has my friend, so we should be ok. I am actually excited for this and so looking forward to snowshoeing out on Sunday morning after the storm passes. I have a lot of gear and my pack is weighing a little over 32 lbs, with food and my snowshoes and micro spikes. So the spikes will be on my feet tonight starting out.. if i need the snow shoes I will use them.. there was 3 or 4 inches of fresh snow 2 days ago, and if there was any existing left before that, not sure.. so start with spikes and put snowshoes on if needed. Sunday morning hiking out obviously i will wear the snowshoes and have little food left, so that will be a load of weight off my back, but we will be breaking trail down the mountain in a good 12 inches of fresh fallen snow.. so im robbing peter to pay paul there! This should be exciting and hopefully I am able to get some decent footage and put together a little video. I will post after trip how things went and how i feel!! 

    BPL Member


    BPL Member


    New pack?

    BPL Member


    Yes.. ULA Circuit. Just works out well packed to the balls!

    Mike B
    BPL Member


    Locale: Colorado

    Sounds like fun. Enjoy.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Hmmm. those are really cold temps that you’re hiking into. And very high winds. Trees will be coming down. I hope that you’re as prepared as you indicate. To me it seems that you’re inviting trouble, or worse. It all makes for a good story until something has to be amputated.

    Still…I understand the adventure of it all. You’ll never be able to experience a storm the way that you’re about to from the comfort of your home. And the beauty of the next morning hiking out, if all goes to plan. Best luck!

    edit: geeze, I hope you have a better pad in addition to the one that I see on the outside of your pack.

    Stephen T


    Thanks for sharing your plans.  Can’t wait to hear how it goes and your post-trip thoughts on what worked well, and what you would change.



    Locale: Cascadia

    Those some gnarly conditions to go out in. When I was in Boy Scouts I would often opt to sleep in my own tent when we did igloo camping trips on Mt. Rainier. I was fascinated with how cold I could get without dying. One night I spent in a tiny cheapo tent with no fly, at near 0*F, with a synthetic summer sleeping bag rated to 40 degrees, on a 1/2 inch foam pad. That was interesting, to say the least. Biggest issue was actually the discomfort of the cold on my face and the fact that it would freeze up with condensation if I put a fleece over my head.

    It taught me that the lower limit of comfort for a sleeping system is actually way above the point where you would die to death in it. I also sometimes used a trick where I would bundle up and walk around camp all night to stay warm and then sleep during the day when the temps were higher, or even with a little sun on the tent to warm it up.

    AK Granola
    BPL Member


    Well, you’re out there now. Good luck! I want to know your solution for water. Melting snow in a large pot? over a fire? Hope it all goes well!

    BPL Member


    i made it back safe. Everything went as plannned! Ill write more later or tomorrow.. have to unpack and do things home right now.










    BPL Member


    BPL Member


    Posted short report and video in trip report section for those interested.

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