I thought I'd show off my not so ultra-light daily commuter that I just got last month. I ride 6 miles each day from West Seattle to downtown Seattle and this new bike was been fantastic. My hope is to one day….soon….ride it from Oregon to Virginia.
The bike weighs in at 28 lbs as shown. I'd say 26.5 bare. The frame is a tange prestige heat treated Soma Double Cross Disk that I had painted with a 'don't hit me' color. The frame weighs 4.3 lbs for 54 cm. The components are Shimano 105 and the brakes are Avid BB7's. The seat is a Brooks Cambium C17. The crank set is Sugino triple at 46, 36, and 26. The rear is 13 to 36 (I believe). I bought and installed a Dinotte 1,600 lumen front light which melts the asphalt on high beam.
As I said…I hope to one day load the bike up with my UL hiking gear and ride across the country, that's what this bike is made for. I didn't build it, I had my local bike shop do it for me.
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