
Tarptent Double Rainbow Carbon or Al pole?

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    J C
    BPL Member


    Couldn't find a thread about this.

    Seriously considering getting a TT Double Rainbow, but at the ordering screen I noticed there is the option for a carbon pole. Anyone have any experience with these vs. the aluminium poles? -2oz is tempting but not if its going to need babying.

    Troy Hawkins
    BPL Member


    Locale: Germany

    I think this option is relatively new…I wish it was there two months ago when I ordered the DW Moment!

    BPL Member


    Locale: Arrowhead

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Carbon fiber pole option only adds $15

    J C
    BPL Member


    Yeah, the breathable clip in liner costs much more…

    I guess I will go CF and hope for the best.

    Erik Basil
    BPL Member


    Locale: Atzlan

    Looking at the weight savings to dollar cost, that's a pretty good option. Man, I am jealous of you shrimpy little fellas that fit in this tent…and Porsches. I want a "Rainbow LT" :)

    To make myself feel better, I'm going to go into the kitchen and get something off the top shelf.

    J C
    BPL Member


    What? How tall are you? I'm 6'4 and from what I've read the Double Rainbow is pretty good for tall people. See:

    Todd T
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    What? How tall are you? I'm 6'5" and have more room in my TT Rainbow than in any other tent I've tried.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    "To make myself feel better, I'm going to go into the kitchen and get something off the top shelf."

    That statement was a nice read for me to get my day started on a positives note.

    Henry Shires / Tarptent
    BPL Member


    Locale: Upper Sierra Foothills - Gold Rush Country

    The carbon pole option is a recent addition. We're now offering Easton 6.3 carbon poles for the Rainbow/Double Rainbow and Moment DW. The carbon pole saves 2 ounces and no one can feel the difference in a loaded pack. Do, however, consider it for the additional stiffness. It's noticeably stiffer than the standard Easton 0.340" aluminum pole. I will say that the carbon pole isn't as crush/abrasion resistant as aluminum so if you tend to be rough on poles–tossing them on the ground, stepping on them etc,–then stick with aluminum. The Moment DW main arch pole is a hybrid aluminum/carbon pole–mid sections are prebent aluminum, end sections are carbon–and that one saves 1.3 ounces. Easton built it that way to alleviate stress concerns in the tightest bend areas of the pole. The Moment DW crossing pole is all carbon and saves a whopping 0.5 ounces over the standard Easton 0.344" aluminum pole (but the stiffness difference is dramatic).


    J C
    BPL Member


    Lol OK OK Henry I get it. 60 grams is nothing. But 60 grams saved per piece of carried gear is something.

    Anyway, so the carbon poles are stiffer. Does that mean they are more or less likely to fail under high wind load?

    Troy Hawkins
    BPL Member


    Locale: Germany

    When will the poles be available to buy separately from the shelters?

    Erik Basil
    BPL Member


    Locale: Atzlan

    Jeremy, Todd: I'm 6'5" and I had the impression from reviews on this site that the D-Rainbow was a little tight –lengthwise– for the normal-sized backpackers like we three. I mean, I noted the Oompa Loompas are nearly unanimous in praise for this tent, but I honestly had it in my head that it's a tad short for us.

    It is two inches shorter along the floor than the (heavier, slower pitch) BA Copper Spur UL2 I'm using. You regular fellas are fitting fine without dragging the toe of your bag into the ends of the tent, etc? That fast-pitch video on the Tarptent site is very compelling.

    Henry Shires / Tarptent
    BPL Member


    Locale: Upper Sierra Foothills - Gold Rush Country

    > When will the poles be available to buy separately from the shelters?

    Troy, I'm sending you order links for the Moment carbon poles.


    Eric Blumensaadt
    BPL Member


    Locale: Mojave Desert

    I'll be getting a Moment DW later this year with the ripstop inner. Now that carbon and carbon hybrid poles are available for that tent I'll order them.

    For winter use I think they will make a difference in resisting deflection by high winds and wet snow loads. Henry just keeps on improving his products and that is a sign of a good company.

    Todd T
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    Erik: Mine's the single Rainbow, not Double. There's plenty of length for me, at least in the center. But the end walls slope inward more at the sides, so if I were to try to sleep over against one side I might have trouble with the bag hitting the end wall. Whether that is an issue with the Double, which is 10 inches (IIRC) wider, I can't say.

    diego dean
    BPL Member


    When can we expect to see the 18 inch pole sections for the CB3? Hopefully they will come optionally in carbon?

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