
Dyeing a backpack

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    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Hiking with a black pack for a couple of years now, I have not noticed much difference if any with it being hotter than the green or blue. Pack the chocolate near the middle and not near the top. And it gets flipping hot here in CA.

    Eugene Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nuevo Mexico

    Keeping up with the current trend of 'blacked out' ULA packs Ken started, I did a little modifying of my ohm….own this evening. The only variation I added was I removed the static compression line so the bright yellow cord was left untouched. Simply followed directions, did the stovetop method in a big pot I used for brewing beer, worked like a champ. Rinse, rinse, rinse. Start to finish took 1hr. and $3.25. Cheers.

    ULA Ohm Blacked Out #3

    ULA Ohm Blacked Out #2

    ULA Ohm Blacked Out #1

    *The blemish in the last photo is from my camera lens.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Nice job Eugene. At least we can tell ours apart with the compression cord. Very handy that the ULA embroidery doesn't take the dye. Looks like they came that way.

    Randy K


    Locale: SW OK

    I've always liked Epic, but prefer stealth colors-has anyone tried to turn the "maize" color into a dark brown or green?

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    Hi Randy

    I doubt you can dye any EPIC-treated fabric. The EPIC treatment always goes on last. It covers every fibre with a thin film of silicone. Water-based dyes are not going to penetrate the silicone very much at all – that's the whole point of it.


    Randy K


    Locale: SW OK

    That makes sense. Thanks for the insight.

    Jesse H.
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay, CA

    +1 on black packs!

    here is a thread I did awhile back:

    I got a lot of PM's about color transfer. A year later, through various climates, I have had no transfer of dye

    ken, see ya up at lost coast!

    Eric Drew


    Locale: Sespe Wilderness

    Anyone have any pics of their GG packs dyed? I have an old Miraposa and a new Murmmer and would love to see how they turned out.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    If it's silnylon you are out of luck.

    >> Bender <<
    BPL Member


    Locale: NEO

    I just bought a Golite Jam2 on the forums here but I hate the blue. I have it in the wash right now with black Rit dye. I'll post pictures when complete. Here is the before.

    >> Bender <<
    BPL Member


    Locale: NEO

    I had to take it outside for better lighting. Some of thread didn't take the dye but everything else did. It looks even better in person!

    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern Oregon

    Great job, even if it is not black. :)

    The dyneema grid will not take the dye and remains white regardless of color or amount of dye used.

    >> Bender <<
    BPL Member


    Locale: NEO

    Thom in person the pack looks black with gray. The jet black zipper doesn't really stand out as much as pictured. I was not expecting the dyneema fibers to take the dye at all. I have the weight of the pack down to 18.2 oz with foam pad or 17 oz without. I saved a little weight by replacing the draw string. I also removed the hydration sleeve and trimmed a bunch of straps. I can still use a platypus in the Velcro pad pocket. I have no idea why a company with light in the name wouldn't do this stuff from the get go.

    sandy boyd


    Locale: eastern washington

    Does anyone have any thoughts about dyeing an Osprey Exos to get rid of that ugly orangish stuff?? I am wanting dark green, but could settle on black if that all that it would take. Course, coudnt run it thru the washer to rinse, so maybe in a garbage can outside.


    BPL Member


    Locale: So Cal

    Took the leap and utilized a color other than black :-)

    Although the conduit looks almost black at first glance, I set it next to my black montbell alpine light jacket and then the color difference is easily noticed.
    The Gorilla in a sense now looks like a Gorilla – brown and black….
    I'm happy with the way they they came out as there are no missed spots (there shouldn't be after soaking them in hot water dye for 2-3 hours each with an occasional stir)….if they didn't come out well I figured to redye black as a escape/safety route.
    Navy Blue Conduit
    Conduit & Gorilla - Post Dye


    BPL Member


    What next? Tie dye packs???

    Kidding — Christopher — very nice job you did!!!

    Eugene Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nuevo Mexico

    Excellent stuff Chris, I was curious if you were gonna do the Dark Denim color, glad you did too! 2-3 hrs is a long time to soak, I thought my 40 minute soak felt like an eternity. I almost chose the brown for my Ohm, almost. Perhaps when my Burn arrives I'll give it the treatment and a perm to boot.

    David Ure


    I'm curious to what your washer looks like after using the dye? Is there enough residue that can get on other clothes?

    BPL Member


    Locale: So Cal

    The color I used for the Conduit was Navy Blue vice Denim Blue…I thought it would look better darker (just my opinion). It was time consuming…well at least it didn't require much work/maintenance – just an occasional stir or flip.
    Burn: for the moment I'm not going to dye my Burn until at least a color preference grabs me :-). I like the darker grayish/black of the Burn….but the teal on the Conduit and standard gray on the Gorilla needed to go.

    I soaked the packs in a 10 gallon plastic bin (about $4 at Wal-Mart) and then dumped the dye and rinsed repeatedly by hand until most excess dye appeared to be removed. Then transferred to the washer for a few rinse on gentle cycle, followed by a wash with detergent on gentle cycle, followed by a few more rinse cycles…..not a trace of dye left in the washer after doing two packs :-)….


    >> Bender <<
    BPL Member


    Locale: NEO

    David I ran the washer with nothing in it but a cup of bleach when I was finished. This is what Rit suggests and it worked well for me. The 5 gallon bucket may be better if you are worried about the washer.

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Thanks for the suggestion Ken-I did my MLD Ark in black-It looks really nice…Yankee Pin Stripes-backpacking with style & class!!!!

    BPL Member


    Wonder what (if anything) I should do with my beloved Mountainsmith Ghost?

    EDIT: Photo lifted off the web.

    David Lutz


    Locale: Bay Area

    Arghh……peer pressure!

    I'm going to have to do my baby blue Jam2. I never liked the color, but it was too cheap to pass up.

    BPL Member


    Baby blue? Yeah, I would do it. :)

    BPL Member


    Locale: So Cal

    "Baby blue? Yeah, I would do it. :)"

    That will be some sight in Yosemite…Ben and a baby blue pack :-)

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