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  • #1500529
    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Early morning after a bear-active night at Shadow Lake

    Cassiope Mertensiana

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Shadow Lake outlet

    Mount Ritter from Shadow Lake

    more when I get the next batch scanned.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Got a few more scanned.

    Leaving Reds Meadow that year, we chose to head into Fish Valley and bypass the JMT on an alternate route: Fish Valley, Grassy Lake, Goodale Pass, Vermillion Resort, Mono Hot Springs, Florence Lake, then reconnect with the JMT at Muir Ranch.

    Back in '89, the section south of Reds down the canyon of the Middle Fork San Joaquin was amazing. Now, it's very different after the Rainbow fire in teh mid 90s turned much of the area into ashes, even right at Rainbow Falls:

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    It was a baking hot day to hike down the polished granite. Even before the fire, there wasn't much shade on this trail once you got dwon to this area

    This is what you're mostly walking on before the trail drops down to Fish Creek.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Saw this snake on the switchbacks on our way out of the vally up towards Grassy Lake – it was about 2 feet long

    Later that evening we tried to keep the bugs down with some smoke

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    In the moring we found proof that the sounds we were hearing at night were from a bear (this was before the days of canisters – you never slept well with your food hanging on a thin branch…)

    Before lunch we reached Grassy Lake, which is a real gem and there wasn't a soul around (because they are all on the JMT on the other side of main valley to our west). Too bad the bugs drove us to higher altitude. Only stopped for a few photos

    more in a few days – gotta scan more.

    Denis Hazlewood
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Snake looks like a Rubber Boa. A very cool burrowing snake, found from the high Sierra to Point Reyes.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    from the full size scan, the only part that's in focus (was low light f 1.8 shot, no depth of field)

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Just above Grassy Lake

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Reaching the top of a very steep snow field, which allowed us to connect with the Goodale Pass Trail without first descending to the JMT just east of us where it leads up to Silver Pass, just a few hundred yards away – we were headed to VVR via Goodale Pass and Graveyard Meadow. Perfect dry summer weather that day

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Flowers growing on the sandy, unusually heavily eroded Goodale Pass approach

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Just before the top of Goodale Pass, with a crisp view all the way to Banner and Ritter and beyond. In 2008, we were barely able to make out these peaks from Silver Pass, due to smoke from distant fires

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    That night we first had an earthquake shaking the trees above our tent skylight (later found out it was a local 4.7), and around 4am a bear decided to try to climb the tree where our food was hanging. Could not completely scare it off, so the night was over early and I had all sorts of time to take this picture while staying warm and making coffee (on the vintage GAZ stove with Belgian army aluminium pot…). One of these mornings I'll never forget, now 20 years ago but those bear eyes half way up the tree reflecting my flashlight's output are burnt into memory forever.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Back to civilization that morning at VVR (we had food at Mono Hot Springs PO office, ended up walking on pavement to MHS, and from there almost all the way to Florence Lake. A local picked us up for the last two miles up to the lake – never did a MHS resupply since…)

    Vintage Dodge Power Wagon, parked next to the resort – is it still there? Looked like it had been there for the 45 years before I took the picture.

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    > Someone tell me what planet that is – more or less straight west rising just after sunset, June 27

    Venus, the evening (and morning) star. Would have appeared about 25 degrees south of the setting sun according to my ephemeris.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    had to look it up :-)

    An ephemeris (plural: ephemerides; from the Greek word ἐφήμερος ephemeros "daily") is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time or times.

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    And if you want to know how the greeks did ready reckoning of such values, have a look at this remarkable object:

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado
    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    After a hot and dusty pavement slog to Mono Hot Springs post office and another few miles to the road that leads to Florence Lake two locals picked us up in their huge Dodge Ramcharger and gave us a ride to the lake. There we decided to splerge and we bought a $4 ride across the lake on the Sierra Queen. There was a 10mph speed limit posted for the lake, but apparently enforcement was not a concern of our captain…

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    It was late in the day and we spent the rest of it int he lake. Set up the camp right where the boat dropped us off with this in front of us

    water levels were dropping – 1989 was a drought year following a very dry 1988

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Probably one of the more memorable camp sites of that year

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    The stretch from Florence Lake to Muir Trail Ranch was a virtual flower garden – here just a few highlights:

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    After a long haul up into Evolution Valley, we camped just beyond the river crossing

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Early morning in the heart of the Sierras – Evolution Valley with "The Hermit" on the right.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    The valley gets steeper as you approach the bump that brings you up to Evolution Lake. Lots of water there

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