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  • #1506716
    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    I call this guy the "Guardian of Bighorn Plateau" – wonder if this tree still looks like this today, 20 years later

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Another one from Bighorn Plateau

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    The sun disappeared when we were finishing up supper at Crabtree Meadows.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    This was the moment we decided that we should just keep going – the full moon came across the Whitney Crest around 10pm. We had rested long enough, the weather was perfectly calm, and our food reserves were pretty low, so what better than reaching the summit at night, and hiking out the next morning? We got to the top at 3am under an extremely bright night sky. Surreal almost – too bad I didn't take any more photos, but we were moving to the summit and had really only that one goal in mind.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    Peter, you are forcing me to take an unplanned trip in the area this summer. It has been a while since I was on the JMT, due to the hordes, but I am beginning to realise how much I enjoy it up there, people or no people.

    Am currently negotiating with my wife for an extended kitchen pass for the SHR, but negotiations may need an aribitrator. :(

    Your pictures are just plain awesome.

    Jim MacDiarmid
    BPL Member


    These pictures are excellent. I'm definitely doing the JMT next summer(I say that now . . .) Three weeks next summer to do the JMT was part of the negotiating process for me to move to NYC with my gf. It would've been a dealbreaker if she said no.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Every time I get down to the question "where do I want to go and hike next" I keep coming back to the JMT. It's become a second home almost – going back again in two weeks for the double this year. You can't go wrong.

    Crowds? Last July there was hardly anyone up there. On the section over Mather Pass we didn't meet a single person all day, middle of July.


    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Time to close the loop – final day, and I hope it is obvious from the photos why I prefer to make Mount Whitney the ultimate goal of the hike, not a first day drag:

    Before sunrise, about 5:45am, -8.5 degrees Celsius, no wind, perfect. July 11, 1989. If you were up there, this might be you, because I don't know this person. There were maybe 6 people on the summit that morning.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Eventuall the sun came up – Owens Valley, 9000 feet below is still asleep.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    I think I posted this before, but it has to be repeated here, in the proper order. Whitney's shadow with the full moon that illuminated the trail for us the night before

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    A very special place – can't wait to be back up there for the sunrise, some time around July 16/17 this year (twice)

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Whitney Crest

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Upper Hitchcock Lake, west of the crest

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Vintage Mt. Whitney Trail – these solar toilets do not exist any longer (it's now "wag bag" territory)

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Afternoon at Whitney Portal – our second JMT was done, and we already knew we'd be back again.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Practically not JMT, but the end of our last day that began on Mount Whitney was a night at Mono Lake, with water levels about 8 feet below of what you see there today.

    Rog Tallbloke
    BPL Member


    Locale: DON'T LOOK DOWN!!

    Astunning end to a great set of photos Peter. I'd love to come and hike that trail someday.

    J B
    BPL Member


    Locale: Europe

    Amazing photos.

    Michael Whiteside


    Locale: Northern California

    Thanks for digging these out and posting them. Fantastic photos.

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    heading out for another trip in 2 days… when I get back there'll be a whole off season to update this thread :-)

    Muir Trail Yo-Yo 2009

    Peter Burke


    Locale: Midwest

    Our July hike that was supposed to be a yo-yo in pictures and video

    Photo gallery

    2009 photo gallery

    Video (Flash and Silverlight, 1.5mbps and 720p at 3.5mbps)

    2009 video page

    Tons of snow this year in July – this is July 12 below Muir Pass

    I'm heading out Friday to do a solo northbound to complete my own yo-yo, no video this time, just a Nikon D40, which is an upgrade from the above point-n-shoot Canon quality.

    Frank Deland


    Locale: On the AT in VA

    On page 11 of this thread, "Day 16..continued", is one of Peter Burke's photos of this same section of the trail up to Forester Pass heading N to S. On this spectacular day in Aug. '09, the valley along Bubbs Creek was filled with clouds, but blue sky was breaking out above me and at the pass. The pass was under storm clouds as I climbed, but cloudless when I arrived an hour later.
    up to Foresters along the trail to heaven?Forester Pass The pass looked threateningSwitchbacks down from Forester But, the trail down was clear with sun in the valley.

    Frank Deland


    Locale: On the AT in VA

    monster the monster of Le Conte Canyon

    Read about these amazing trees that can live for thousansds of years. The Fox Tail Pines can be see along the Bighorn Plateau (map 1) One could spend hours just photgraphing the trunks and stumps. (I do not know why the photo is flipped) The trees adapt to the dry soil by just having a few of their branches live.
    Fox Tail Pine Fox Tail Pine They are like the Bristlecone Pines that can be seen in a forest just north of Lone Pine. Worth a visit.

    Laurence Beck
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    This plaque is on the JMT just south of Forester Pass. If you are heading south you would walk right by it. We WERE heading south but somehow we noticed it. I really makes you realize how much work and sacrifice has gone into providing the trails we hike!

    In memory of Donald I. Downs

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