
My SUL setup ,what i like about it and some questions !

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Home Forums General Forums SuperUltraLight (SUL) Backpacking Discussion My SUL setup ,what i like about it and some questions !

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    Michaael Gingras


    Hi there, my name is michael i've been backpacking for 4 years.
    I speak french so i am sorry for my crappy writing !
    I,ve been reading this forum for a long time now(1-2 year).I just decided today to finaly subscribe and see all the article the site had to offer , also i wanted to share my setup whit you guyz to help me adapt it even more.

    What i like about this setup is that it contain :
    1.Fully enclosed shelter :
    i know i could go alot lighter by using a Poncho-tarp setup and i have done it a couple of time , but what i dont like about it is bug protection.I also like the feeling of having a little home and having some privacy while i'm whit friends .

    2.Air matress :
    For a living i got a furniture moving compagny and my back is really important to me,In fact it is the first reason that got me into lighweight backpacking , also i dont seem to have good night of sleep on Closed cell foam mats.

    3.Water filter :
    Whit the weight of the Sawer filter i only see advantage , it is fast, it filter alot better than a bandana it alow me 1 more liter of water carrying capacity, i also really like not having to put chemicals in it , i still have some micro pur tabs in case of failure.

    4.Rain protection top whitout puncho :
    why whitout puncho ? because did you ever had to go to the toilet in the middle of the night , just to realise its raining real bad and you cant get your rain gear unless you plan on undoing all your sleep system ? well i hope you wont have to :)

    I shall make picture on my next trip for you guyz

    So for the weight ?
    Disclamer: the Zero backpackweight is guesstimated as it is currently being made i used the 52 arc blast before that but had alot of free space.Please see question #6

    i actualy split it in 3

    First : on june and july when its at the warmest im at the lightest 4.94 lbs
    Second : to allow me to hike from may to september i add the Mt bell x light jacket :5.2 lbs
    Third : this one is heavy but it allowed me to go as low as -10C i will try to push it next winter :8.48 lbs

    3 season pack :
    Winter pack :

    So what do you think of it ? all critic good or bad are welcome it will help me improve !
    i am ready to try almost anything as long as it keep the advange i posted above.

    Now for the question i had :

    1. What would be the lightest 550 ml Pot wich is durable /no foster pot

    2.On the net i saw the xlite for female had 10g less, was a little shorter but had an higher R rating meaning it could handle lower temp whas is behind it ? would it be worth the switch

    3.I was thinking about asking joe at Zpack if he could make me a custom Challenger shorts , instead of pants to hike in instead of my swimming shorts , figured it could go at 50-60 grams i really like the material , but i only put it on some ocasion , do you think it would be a good idea as main short ? it seem durable to me but again i dunno i guess i just want some opinion on it, im thinking that a short would ave that much problem breathing since the fabric is already breathable .

    4. Would you trust a plastic -disposable spoon for a week long hike instead of a Ti one ? mine is at 18 G and im thinking i could do sometime about it

    5.i guess not really Sul but i am thinking of a trip were i would just go bush wacking off trail for a week whit a friend for the trill of it and i was thinking of buying the Delorm explorer whit a member ship , have any one tryed it ? is it worth its money , and would it require a battery bank/solar charger to make it last 7 days ?

    6. if anyone could give me the exact weight of a zero hybrid cuber fiber/large pack from zpack ,also do you think i should have chosen the normal 1.43 cuben instead ? i know my arc blast is in the hybrid cuben and it is so durable even after 2 years it got no sign of wear, all i want for this pack is to stay alive 3 years , afther that i would not mind buying another.

    I am sorry if some question have already been answered on the forum i just subscribed and though i would post them at the same time.

    Thanks for reading this have a good one ,

    BPL Member


    Locale: SE USA

    Welcome Mike!

    You came to the right place. Great job on having an SUL and being comfortable!

    As to your questions:

    1. What would be the lightest 550 ml Pot wich is durable /no foster pot

    Been using one like this for a long time:

    durable, light, works great as a mug too

    2.On the net i saw the xlite for female had 10g less, was a little shorter but had an higher R rating meaning it could handle lower temp whas is behind it ? would it be worth the switch

    If your are around 5'6" tall this pad will work for you. If you sleep ok with a pillow on the ground (not the pad) it works up to 6'2" (I used this setup with a Montbell pillow before). They add a little insulation to the women's version to make it warmer.

    3.I was thinking about asking joe at Zpack if he could make me a custom Challenger shorts ,

    If you are looking to use waterproof/breathable shorts, I don't think it is worth it.

    4. Would you trust a plastic -disposable spoon for a week long hike instead of a Ti one ? mine is at 18 G and im thinking i could do sometime about it

    Plastic is easy to break, Lexan is light and much more durable than most disposable plastic.

    5.i guess not really Sul but i am thinking of a trip were i would just go bush wacking off trail for a week whit a friend for the trill of it and i was thinking of buying the Delorm explorer whit a member ship , have any one tryed it ? is it worth its money , and would it require a battery bank/solar charger to make it last 7 days ?

    I don't know about this one

    6. if anyone could give me the exact weight of a zero hybrid cuber fiber/large pack from zpack ,also do you think i should have chosen the normal 1.43 cuben instead ? i know my arc blast is in the hybrid cuben and it is so durable even after 2 years it got no sign of wear, all i want for this pack is to stay alive 3 years , afther that i would not mind buying another.

    I don't know the weight, but heavier, hybrid fabric won't increase the pack weight by more than an ounce compared to 1.43 (probably less) so stay with the durability.

    I hope this helps!

    Michaael Gingras


    Hey thanks alot for the fast answer !

    I ll definitly check the toaks and the lexan spoons

    As fort the cuben short i didnt really look for water proof but id like to replace my 235 g swimming short by something lighter wich dont look like a speedo lol

    Im happy i chose the hybrid Zero :)

    Id have to look into the female x lite but maybe id need a bigger pillow than just tossing some clothe under my head wich would counter the 10g quite easily

    Thanks again for taking the time !

    Ilan Rubin


    I noticed Toaks has ultralight pots on their website now. Their 650 ml ultralight pot is actually lighter than the normal 550. I think the pot sold on the zpacks site is the lightest 550 ml pot I've come across. Don;t have any experience with either of these though.

    jimmer ultralight



    As far as small Ti pots go, if you want a mug style, the TOAKS 550 with no handles is the winner at 2.2 oz with a lid. And, its only 28 bucks.

    If you require handles, then that will cost you an extra .5 oz.

    Probably the cheapest and most versitile (especially if you have a seperate drinking cup), is the Snow Peak 600 Trek bowl at 1.8 oz. Its only $16 and holds 2.5 cups of liquid. With a fairly sturdy DIY aluminum lid, it will weight just over 2 oz. Its also easier to eat out of and clean than the 3.5" diameter mugs.

    If you are just heating water or drinking beverages,then mugs are great..

    Michaael Gingras


    the toaks seems like a good option however

    i did not know the snow peak bowl was so light !

    Am i right guessing than a wider bowl would be more effective whit a side burner alcohol stove like the elite from minibulldesign that i use instead of a mug style pot ?

    BPL Member


    Locale: SE USA

    Jimmer is correct about the bowl's usefulness.

    Something is needed to lift it when hot, so keep that in mind. Someone (Bob Gross?) had a good solution but I can't recall for sure.

    It just comes down to what you want – if you eat out of the bowl, then the bowl is better. If not, narrow it down to a pot/mug / handles/no handles.

    Michaael Gingras


    I normaly repackage mountain house style meal into freezer zip lock
    Wich i rehydrade inside a empty MH foil zip long that i pre cleaned
    i may on rare occasion use the pot itself to brew green thea ,so you think i should stay whit a mug style instead of bowl ?

    As for the handle i dont really mind ,what i use for a wind screen is a carbon felt windscreen so i can grab hot things whit it

    Thanks for the follow up btw !

    jimmer ultralight


    Based on how you use it, the mug style pot with lid would be the best option ( with or without handles)

    What kind of stove burner are you going to use? It makes a bit of difference with regards to pot handling. An alcohol or Esbit stove with a windscreen tends to get the side of the cup pretty hot.

    A gas cannister burner tends to concentrate the heat at the bottom and would likely allow quicker handling of the pot rim, especially if you used a silicone band lip guard, etc .

    Michaael Gingras


    Here is the stove i use

    Its called the elite stove
    i normally get by whit ,5-,6 oz of fuel/meal and boil time between 6 and 8 min outdoor

    Its an alchohol side burner wich dont require pot stand.

    I use it whit a carbon felt windscreen.

    See :elite cook kit under the wick stove category for the kit i use.

    It came whit a 10 cm walmart cup and a custom beer can lid.

    I would prefer getting a Ti pot instead of it tho and the handle is kind of annoying ,kind of like the sierra cup wich have a big handle that make packing it more troublesome because it dont fold.

    I like the custom lid tho and may like to get a ti pot wich also have a 10cm diameter so that i could use it on it but its not that important ,it would just be a bonus.


    Link .
    BPL Member


    Get lightweight running shorts, they only weigh a couple of ounces and would be a lot more comfortable than shorts made out of the Challenger rain jacket material. Here is Andrew Skurka's recent article Running Shorts

    Michaael Gingras


    Hey thank you for the reminder ,it has been a long time since ive looked at Andrew's Website actualy .I remember when i was a lil bit yougner i used to have fun of poeple wearing those short and i may end up wearing them haha


    Ricardo Gayol Iglesias
    BPL Member


    Locale: Sistema Central

    Snow Peak Trek titanium bowl is the lightest pot I know of at 1.6 oz. And it's not expensive either!

    Aaron Sorensen
    BPL Member


    Locale: South of Forester Pass

    I just added a handle to mine.eds

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    "Snow Peak Trek titanium bowl is the lightest pot I know of at 1.6 oz." Except that in actuality it weighs 1.8 oz FWIW.

    Window walker


    +1 on the toaks UL 650.

    I removed the handles and made an aluminum flashing lid, weighs just a hair less than 2oz and I use gloves that I already carry to handle the pot.

    Cornelius Jaeger
    BPL Member


    Talk to Marco from As Tucas about SUL hiking shorts. Mine have a merino liner and I use them for hiking/swimming, weight is 62 grams for a size medium. They are in his custom section on his website:

    Eric Hine
    BPL Member


    Locale: New York

    Just to add to the mug/pot conversation: I was using the Zpacks .6L pot for quite a while, and just recently picked up MLD's 475 Ti Mug. It's not 550, but still holds almost exactly 2 cups of water, is durable, somewhat cheap ($25), and fits nicely on an esbit stove. It does not have a lid, however. Weighs 1.45oz on my scale. Haven't seen too much lighter than that.

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