Tucker Ballister
LiteAF 35L Curve Backpack Review
The LiteAF 35L Curve Backpack (16 oz / 453 g, $255+*) is a frameless ultralight pack constructed partially of Dyneema Composite fabric.
High Sierra Trail (Film) Review
The High Sierra Trail Film by Chris Smead explores the history and wonder of the John Muir Trail's little brother in this festival circuit documentary.
National Monument Reduction: What Are We Really Losing?
Late last year, United States President Donald Trump took action for national monument reduction in Utah, Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante. This article explores the issues.
Five Lessons from the John Muir Trail
These lessons are aimed at beginners and are based on experiences while hiking the JMT. They are adaptable to any hiking setting and can certainly make the trip more enjoyable.