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Ultralight Gaiters: State of the Market Report 2013
Balancing weight and durability, ultralight gaiters are crucial to keeping your feet dry and free from debris.
Torso Simulator to test Heat Loss in Outdoor Gear – Radiation
Measuring the affects of radiant heat loss to help you better prepare for the backcountry.
Global Test Conclusion: Honeymooning in the Backcountry
Danny and Kristin wrap up their 2-year Honeymoon with Backcountry skiing in Europe and discover their home.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Part 4b: Gear Reviews (Continued)
Adapting SUL for mountain conditions, where frequent weather extremes necessitate more capable gear.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Part 4a: Gear Reviews
Adapting SUL for mountain conditions, where frequent weather extremes necessitate more capable gear.
Exped Airmat Pumps Spotlite Review
An overview of two pumps used to inflate sleeping pads, to relieve your lungs in the backcountry.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Going SUL in the Mountains with Adequate Shelter, Insulation, and Rain Protection. Part 3: M-SUL Base Weight Gear Lists
Gear lists that demonstrate how easy it is to “make weight” for M-SUL and at the same time have all the shelter, insulation, and rain protection you need to stay dry, warm, and comfortable in the high country.
The SUL Mindset, Part 2: Less vs. Lighter
So take your normal gear, just take way less of it! One important goal of SUL is to take less stuff, not buy new stuff. If you have to buy new stuff, then I think that regardless of your pack weight, consider that you may have transcended away from the ultralight philosophy and into ultralight hypocrisy.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Going SUL in the Mountains with Adequate Shelter, Insulation, and Rain Protection. Part 2C: Selecting the Lightest, Most Functional Gear – Cooking, Water, Trekking Poles, and Accessories
Adapting SUL for mountain conditions, where frequent weather extremes necessitate more capable gear.
The SUL Wanderer (Video Series) – Episode 2: Food & Water
The second episode of Backpacking Light's new video series, "The SUL Wanderer" tells stories and teaches techniques about "SuperUltralight Backpacking" - the style of backpacking that focuses on the extremes of light weight, compactness, and simplicity for wilderness travel.
The SUL Wanderer (Video) – Episode 1: Gear
The first episode of Backpacking Light's new video series, "The SUL Wanderer" tells stories and teaches techniques about "SuperUltralight Backpacking" - the style of backpacking that focuses on the extremes of light weight, compactness, and simplicity for wilderness travel.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Going SUL in the Mountains with Adequate Shelter, Insulation, and Rain Protection. Part 2B: Selecting the Lightest, Most Functional Gear – Rainwear, Insulation, Headwear, Handwear, and Footwear
Adapting SUL for mountain conditions, where frequent weather extremes necessitate more capable gear.
SUL BikeRaftFishPacking (BFRP)
An SUL approach to multisport: bikepacking, packrafting, and tenkara fly fishing.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Going SUL in the Mountains with Adequate Shelter, Insulation, and Rain Protection. Part 2A: Selecting the Lightest, Most Functional Gear – Backpack, Shelter, Sleeping Bag, Sleeping Pad
Adapting SUL for mountain conditions, where frequent weather extremes necessitate more capable gear.
Mountain SuperUltraLight Backpacking – Going SUL in the Mountains with Adequate Shelter, Insulation, and Rain Protection. Part 1: Concepts and Scope.
Adapting SUL for mountain conditions, where frequent weather extremes necessitate more capable gear.
The SUL Mindset: Redefining SUL
The SUL Mindset may be more than gear weights, and performance standards.
Lightweight Fry Bake Gear and Technique (Video)
If you're a fan of fry-baked meals in the backcountry, and you are reading this article, it's not likely you're one who gets real excited about carrying the two-pound classic Banks' Fry Bake. Here are some options for lighter gear and techniques for fry-baking as a solo traveler, or in smaller groups.
Rab Xenon and Patagonia UL Down Hoody: Comparison and Long-Term Review
New and evolving technologies necessitate a reexamination of the conventional wisdom of down versus synthetic fill insulation.
Integral Designs Traverse 2 Review
Tunnel Tents Tutorial and State of the Market Report - Mini Reviews
Enlightened Equipment Revelation Review
A well-made quilt that offers high-quality materials, high fill-power down, and excellent loft for an incredible price.
True Lemon and True Lime Spotlite Review
Bored with water in the backcountry? Need to make hydration more appealing for your group? Add some flavor to your water, and vanquish any fear of dehydration or scurvy.