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GoLite DriMove Long Sleeve Top SPOTLITE REVIEW

Lightweight, good fit, very comfortable, really wicks moisture away, but snags easily.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Straight Stitch and Top Stitch

Instructions on how to properly sew two workhorse stitches.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Sewing a Felled Seam

A tarp and tent ridgeline standard thanks to its water impeding fold.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Reinforcement Stitches for Lightweight Fabrics

Why standard reinforcement stitches may not be suitable for your lightweight fabric, which ones are, and how to sew them.

Make Your Own Gear Sewing Primer: Sewing Machine Setup

Sewing machine setup instructions with photos, and tips for sewing lightweight fabrics.

CW-X Sport Support Bra and Firm Support Bra REVIEW

Good looking, quality construction, supportive - and comfortable too?

Backpacking Light Editor, Don Wilson, on the PCT this Summer

Mojave, CA (June 12) to Ashland, OR (August ?) - say Hello!

Stove Windscreen Dynamics and Design: Part II
Practical Applications for the Field

Have you tried a double windscreen to maintain alcohol and fuel tab stove performance in the wind? It really works, and one piece doubles as a GearSheet.

Mini Bull Designs Sketti Stove REVIEW

Powerful, dead easy to light, sturdy alcohol stove - just be careful lifting a pot off before it burns out.

Jetboil Group Cooking Sytem SPOTLITE REVIEW

The second generation Jetboil stove system - efficient, but speed of heating can vary wildly.

Stove Windscreen Dynamics and Design: Part I
Wind Effects on Stove Performance

The theory (Bernoulli Effect, laminar and turbulent flow) behind how wind affects backcountry cooking.

Backpacking Light Trip Planning Spreadsheet Contest Winners

The winners of the Backpacking Light Trip Planning Spreadsheet Contest are a diverse group.

Backpacking Light Magazine Seeks Nominations for Outdoor Industry’s Most Stringent Product Award Program

Announcing the second annual Lightitude Award for the Best Gear of 2006

Inov-8 F-Lite 300 Shoes SPOTLITE REVIEW

Very lightweight (300 g, 10.5 oz US men's 9). Are they lightweight backpacking capable?

Oware Poncho/Tarp REVIEW

The lightest silnylon poncho/tarp we have reviewed, but also the shortest.

Oware Silnylon Rain Chaps REVIEW

Lightweight (3 oz), simple, and long.

Water Weight Gain and Drying Characteristics of Lightweight Hiking Shoes after Submersion

How fast do popular lightweight hiking shoes dry after a thorough soaking?

Headsweats Protech Hat SPOTLITE REVIEW

Headsweats offers an alternative to a conventional wide-brimmed sun hat.


Light Teflon-lined aluminium cookpot for two people that is lighter and cheaper than the GSI Hard Anodised Extreme set.

GSI Hard Anodised Extreme Cookpot SPOTLITE REVIEW

Light Teflon-lined aluminium cookpot for two people.

How Far, How Fast, How Heavy?
Calculating the range for unsupported, long-distance hiking

Formulas and theory for predicting possible distances and times with ultralight gear for long distance backpacking.

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