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The Power Lizard UL is Vaude's lightest tent. At 2 pounds 5.4 ounces (1060 g) measured total weight, it's also the lightest two-person double-wall tent to be found anywhere, beating the Terra Nova Laser by nearly a half pound. As a matter of fact, the Power Lizard UL is strikingly similar to the Terra Nova Laser, which was recently reviewed by Backpacking Light. So how does the Power Lizard match up to the Laser?

Further, many superlight tents (like the Laser) achieve their low weight by downsizing the tent; so how does the Power Lizard stack up as far as roominess and comfort for two people? And how did they come up with that name?


  • Introduction
  • Specifications
  • Design and Features
  • Performance
  • Comparisons
  • Assessment
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Recommendations for Improvement

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