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One of the very first camping products I purchased as a young boy was a toaster for a camping stove. An assemblage of wires connected to a plate that sat atop a gas stove, it afforded one the opportunity to enjoy ... toast ... while camping.

The first time I used it over my Svea 123, I was in awe, watching the bread slowly brown. Then, I turned it over with caution, not wanting it to slip from my clumsy pre-pubescent fingers and become tainted with the soil that loomed below. Then, I watched the other side brown. This was magic! When my toast was done, I carefully dressed its crunchy surface with butter, cinnamon, and a load of refined sugar.

With some trepidation, wondering (hoping! praying!) if my camp toast would taste like Mom's, I took my first bite. I chewed. And chewed. And swallowed.

And noticed a funny thing.

A white gas aftertaste.

I fed the rest of the toast to the squirrels.


  • My First Camp Toast
  • The Big Green Wall

# WORDS: 1030

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