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Who makes the perfect backpack? It's all in the eye of the beholder. The perfect backpack is a utopian concept. Each of us has different needs and preferences, so a standard backpack rarely fits and satisfies every hiker and every need. Manufacturers try to balance it out, so their pack's fit and features satisfy as many people as possible, and that's appropriate. The challenge for the hiker is to find the backpack(s) that fits best and meets his/her needs. Most of us end up with an assortment of packs for different types of trips and conditions, and each pack is selected because it comes closest to meeting our needs and preferences. We find ourselves searching for the perfect pack, and never seem to find it. And some hikers have an unusual body shape, or a special need, that an off the shelf backpack won't satisfy. There's another alternative - have a custom backpack made that exactly fits your body and needs.


  • Introduction
  • Why Get a Custom Backpack?
    • Some Reasons for Getting a Custom Backpack
  • Custom, Customized, or Stock - the Choice is Yours
  • The Design Process
    • Make Contact
    • Preliminary Design
    • Final Design
    • Authorization
    • Pack Construction
  • The Pack Arrives
    • First Impressions
  • The Pack Arrives Again - Second Impressions
  • Conclusion

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