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*A couple of experimental ultralight trekking poles were made using carbon fiber tubes. These examples are for shorter trekkers, but can be changed to accommodate taller walkers.

  • The "minimalist" is a fixed length trekking pole with a carbon fiber shaft, a tungsten tip, and an EVA foam hand grip. The "minimalist" is 39 in (1 m) in length, weighs 2.1 oz (60 g), and cost about $30 for a pair.
  • Adding an adjustable wrist strap to the "minimalist" adds just 0.14 oz (4 g).
  • The "minimalist" can be modified to make it fold in half for easier packing. This adds another 0.24 oz (7 g) yielding a total weight of 2.5 oz (71 g).
  • The poles exhibit some flexing when leaning heavily on them which some trekkers may not like. The intention behind these poles is to provide stabilization and power assist when walking rather than full-body weight support.
  • These poles are for shorter and not particularly heavy trekkers. Taller and/or heavier trekkers will need longer, and possibly bigger diameter carbon fiber tubes which obviously would weigh a bit more.
caption right 800: The pic shows the non-folding pole (left) and folding with wrist strap (right). The non-folding pole weighs 2.1 oz (60 g), or 2.3 oz (64 g) with wrist strap. The folding pole weighs 2.5 oz (71 g) and has a shock cord mechanism so it can be separated into two halves and folded.


  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Carbon fiber tubing
  • The hand grip
  • Tungsten and rubber tips
  • Version 1 - Minimalist, 2.1 oz (60 g)
  • Version 2 - With adjustable wrist strap, 2.3 oz (64 g)
  • Version 3 - Folding, with wrist strap, 2.5 oz (71 g)
  • Conclusions

# WORDS: 2860
# PHOTOS: 33

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