After reading Manfred’s SHR report from his 2020 trip and Dan Stenziano’s Super Sierra High Route, I decided I needed to head out to the SHR while I am still young and can do it. Trailed hikes can wait.

I usually write lengthy blogs with pictures and video snippets. But, not many folks read it. Also maintaining a Wordpress account became an expensive affair. So, decided to start making videos. Still learning to make them.

Advertised for partners here on BPL and got couple of folks to do it with since I do not have any off trail navigation experience. Got an awesome navigator from BPL – Chris M. He was relentless. Had a great nose for direction. He used to read Roper’s book every night and just before we got to the pass to see which way we should attack the pass. Couldn’t have done it without Chris. Thanks a lot Chris for making this trip possible.